Monday, August 05, 2024

Who buys Zucchini anyway.?

Who buys Zucchini anyway.?


I was innocently walking on the to ball field that our church uses for their Sunday services in the summer.   When I was asked.. How about you baking some goods for our bake sale on next Saturday..   I told them I wasn’t good at that anymore..  Besides I can’t get the ingredients for the cookies that I make… can only get them in the winter.. Well, surely you bake other things… they replied..  Well, I do make a choc. Zucchini bread but don’t do that much anymore. OH, THAT WOULD BE SO GREAT.. HERE SIGN UP HERE..  WHAT? DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME SAY.. I DON’T DO THAT SO WELL ANYMORE?  OH, YOU WILL BE FINE..COME ON WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET..  SO I signed my name..  some where inside was a voice saying fool  fool..   But there I was.. 

Two days after, I go out to the freezer to get a couple packages of shredded zucchini’s  I always make up each summer..  many containers of 2 cups of shredded zucchini…  WELL,  I GUESS I DIDN’T LAST YEAR!!   THE WHOLE FREEER HAD NONE!!!  I  went thru the whole dang freezer.. NOT EVEN ONE..  So that meant……………….I HAD TO BUY ZUCCHINI… WHO THE HELL BUYS ZUCCHINI’S.???? You know how it goes.. You leave your car unlocked or window down..  and your so call friends..  put them in your car when you are not around..  OR you come back from town and there is 12 zucchini’s on your porch..   NO ONE BUYS ZUCCHINI…    BUT I had to….   8 medium (small by most standards) zucchini so I could shred 6 cups of shredded zucchini!!!!!

The next day I cooked up 12 small loaves and 12 muffin style..  CHOC. BLUEBERRY ZUCCHINI BREAD.. And delivered them to the church this afternoon..   You want some?  Go to the park in the middle of Sandpoint and buy one or two..  I even made some small muffins for tasting to make sure they tasted ok.. 

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