Monday, September 16, 2024




September 16, 2024



Like the song Lee Greenwood  sangI'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.


Today’s  people don’t understand AMERICA like those of us over 65.

We studied in school..  civic and history… of our AMERICA  We lived at the end of the depression and during World War II, then on to the Korean War. And then Vietnam  a lot of our fellow classmates fought and did not come home..  But that was pretty well true of the wars of all our history. We are almost to the 250th year of our country.. still a baby compared to many other countries.. whose history goes back a thousand years.. 


When we say we are proud to be Americans,  it is because we know what it took to start this country..  how many died to get the land away from England..  so we could be free..  free to pray to whom we wanted to.. or to not pray at all. It was our decision.. not the government.. And that is what the Constitution was made for.. To have an understanding of what America was to be. Forever.

There are amendments put in to fine tune it.. to make it more applicable  Like giving women the right to vote. And a few others. .


Many have tried to say it isn’t any good any more.. It doesn’t apply to their way of life now… that it is too old…

It is not perfect,  But this piece of paper that our ancestors drew up… has served us well… for almost 250 years.

We have fought to keep it .. to protect our citizens.  There was the revolution, there was the Civil War that was not civil… there were those who tried to burn our federal buildings down..  

So those of us… cherish and want to protect our federal buildings because they represent our country…. The Capital disaster of January 9, 2021….  Hurt us..  sadden us,  broke our hearts, because what it presented.  Just like the Flag..  those of us.. over 65 and some those who fought overseas… honor that flag..  for some who fought, it was what kept them strong in war prisons.. There are those who made the American flag out of what ever they could, in those camps.. that raise the moral of fellow prisoners..  Some were beaten for doing such a thing…  OUR FLAG… MEANS LIFE IN OUR COUNTRY.. PRIDE IN OUR COUNTRY…  To see the younger generation burnt it.. burns holes in our very souls…  They just don’t understand.


They confuse Congress and the federal offices and personal with being AN AMERICAN…  Those representatives… are their own people… they are for sale to many rich people who want to trash out country or turn it to something they want, that is only good for the few.

THEY ARE NOT AMERCIA..  they are mere humans, who try to tell us they are for us….


American is the farmer in the mid west.. trying to get his crop to grow. His cattle to market, It is the mechanic who is trying to fix a car for an old lady who doesn’t have much more than her Social Security check,

The person who steps up behind a mom with 3 kids and her card doesn’t work… or she doesn’t have quite enough money to pay for the groceries..  and pays for her..  American is the person who tries their best to do a good job for his employer,  to give their children what education they couldn’t afford… Without federal loans they didn’t qualify for.  The ones who are kind..  even the grumpy guy who will turn around and do a bit of kindness, because he has been there.

He is the fisherman, who takes his boat out in to the sea, before dawn, with a small crew, to get fish for the vasts to eat.

We only hear and see on the many media’s the LOUD, the PROTESTORS.. who think THEY should make the rules as they destroy and burn the town they are protesting. The LOUD who run for office and have a pack of lies that they say, to have you believe enough to vote. That you find out, it wasn’t for you.. it was for them and their group..  Congress use to be for roads for the nation, health for the children, SS for the elderly… (which they took.. they used the word ..borrow, but borrow means it will be given back).. They were suppose to be for THE PEOPLE..

New words are alternative truths,  AL which copies the human race.. the entitled.  Trying to slop entitlement over to SS, when WE WORKED FOR IT. 

We over 65, wake each day, and hope we make it to the end of the day, we hope we aren’t taxed out of our homes, We hope we can afford good health… And still remember what AMERICA STANDS FOR..  Not destroying property, not lies… twist of words… But our COUNTRY.. the LAND,  the PEOPLE who use kindness..  We need to stop the anger against everyone who does not believe the same ideals..  To comprise with out losing dignity.

It should not take a day like September 11, 2001… to bring the country back to decency … and sadly that only lasted a week.


So when I tell you…  I AM PROUD TO BE AMERICAN… I am not telling you I am proud of our government… I AM PROUD OF THE GOOD PEOPLE who live here…  And for those who decide to come here because their country is not what they want…  Come legally, come as a hard worker to join the others.. not fight against the others. And for those of us here..  remember our ancestors came from a different country at one time too. 

I would like to see kindness, compassion, without being used. But in unity. 





 I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.

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