Tuesday, June 19, 2018


I ask too many questions is what I have been told.
But how can one get all of the information with out all the answers.
And sometimes we leave out all the answers..  Some times we only give the answers we like.

I also don’t put enough information of my ideas or thoughts… Case in point was, a remark I made on Facebook… and was taken to task of far more than the subject I had in mind. It was about the children taken away from their mothers. Got all kinds of post and comments about the wonderful place these children are in.. Never had it better.  Well the last part might be true…  But the higher part of the comments were talking about how these children got separated from their parents …left them.. or their parents
already came to the USA without them.. That is the pictures we saw of the teens in the place of clean bathrooms, bed and video games. Yea, that probably is better than they had..  But my thoughts were not about the teens.

It was about the 2 year olds… the 4 year olds and 5 year olds they showed in a picture…  the ones in the cages are old history of Obama and even Bush days.    I don’t think the children ages 2 to 8 years old were coming across the border by themselves.. At least I would have been surprised..  But I guess I left out the concern of those ages in my comments.   My fault.

In honest truth, I don’t know what they did with the parents of years ago who had small children…..( one area had dirty diapers in the trail of 4 miles) so they had to be arrested with small children.
But I don’t recall ANY reports of taking the children away from their mothers.

The Trump group is saying the media  and the Democrat Liberals are using this subject for political gain..  Well, Trump group… your group is definitely using them for political gain..  Because I am betting that those mothers and children would be united this very night, if Congress made it possible for the Wall tomorrow…  In other words, political black mail.   

It disgust me.. for this Congress and Administration to use children for political gain…   Also I would not put it pass Trump’s group to put out all the pictures of these children… in cages and etc.. To rile
up the masses to get the Wall.. And the Walmart of
clean bathrooms and beds with video games.. came by the Republican gang to try to smooth over their mess.    I would be more impressed if they had showed the teens at desk and getting an education, with training in trades..  instead of video games.

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