Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The DEBATE and I don’t care…..

The DEBATE and I don’t care…..


We voted and sent it back Saturday…  So this household is done..  Let the chips fall where they may.


AND we don’t have to watch the circus call the debates tonight.. as WE DON’T CARE…  


We were more interested in the election that is local.. State and cities.  The rest has been such a mess since Joe threw his hat in the ring last summer.  There is not lesser of the evils…  You either can lose your health plan and maybe even our SS and Medicare if Trump has his way…. And on the other side we have higher taxes coming.. and could lose our right to own guns…  What a pair to chose from.   One of us voted for one of the big picks… and the other chose outside of the circle…. Letting the people hopefully pick.. 

It is going to be scary and a lot time to find out who won. The counting the absentees, and the rest.. all by hand.. and then there is the Trump daughter’s computerize machines… I never like the computers … even before… let me just filling in the square.


Also in your town… have you notice a reduced in political signs?  Sure hasn’t been many here.. Use to see them on every corner, down the roads, and in people’s yards. Not this year.. they are far and between…

One funny one was when we were in Davenport for a celebration of life we pass one lonely group political sign. And one of the 3 names on it had HEATHER SCOTT..  what is funny about that?  Davenport is in Washington state.. and she is running in Idaho.  Weird.. but this is 2020…


So good luck with you all… all I ask is for YOU TO VOTE.. I don’t care if you vote who I can’t stand… VOTE…. Other wise after it is all said and done.. and you are bitching.. I am going to ask you the question…… did you vote?  And if your answer is no… I will put up my hand and say STOP… you just lost your bitching rights..  And this year of all years.. you have plenty of ways to vote.   No excuses this year..

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