Tuesday, September 01, 2020


War Zone feelings….

 As I read, see on the news and of course the fiction pages called Facebook of all the troubles going on thru out our country…. It brings to my mind the feelings of people who lived in the country side of England during late 1930’s and early 1940’s.

As I was working out in the yard yesterday, that feeling came across in my mind. Of what it must have felt like, as we who are no where near the big cities of mass destruction, are similar.

I have a great deal of relatives between Seattle and Portland..  None of them live in those two cities…but do live on the fringes of them.  From 15 to 30 miles of them.

I worry about them, just as the British citizens of the country side worried about their relatives and friends who had to run to bomb shelters during bombing raids. 

While Seattle and Portland are not being bombed, they are being taken over by thugs, under the lies of being called Protestors.   Peaceful protestors, do NOT throw fire bombs at stores.. Peaceful protestors, don’t take over a couple city block and tell police to stay out of their suppose block limits..  And etc.. and etc. 

To have my family living on the edges of these cities.. and possibility having to do business in those cities, thru their jobs and etc.. it worries me a great deal.

I do realize by the way of news media… that an area that looks like it is huge.. miles or what ever, is actually a 3 or 4 block square.. meaning about 20% of what the whole city is.  But still it is troubling to see such criminal actions with no responsible, and even having the mayors make little of it.  If I was a business owner… and my business was burnt out by these criminals, with nothing being done by my tax supporting money.. I sure the heck would take my insurance money and go else where…

In the meantime, I pray for my relatives to be safe..  I pray for yours as well..  /why is it the few can wreck chaos for the many?



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