Monday, May 24, 2021

looking thru the freezer

I can name that……


You know the old program that they just brought back again… called NAME THAT TUNE.. and the contestant says, I can name that tune in 3 notes?   Well… in our house it is I can name that package… or maybe not..

I usually write what is in a package before I put it in the freezer, unless I think it is recognizable without a note or name…

Well that isn’t working out so well of late.  Now for dinner we have name it or eat it. Or we eat it anyway. Ha ha

The meats and veggies are pretty easy to guess, it is the others that, we have to smell, and if we melt a little bit, taste to see what the heck was this.

And then we have decided, maybe we shouldn’t have save it after all…. As the taste is not quite the same when it was fresh.

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