Monday, October 25, 2021

Some days are nice and quiet.....

 Some days are nice and quiet... and it only takes a flick of the mind and eyes to catch wonderment. 

This morning as I was taking the garbage out, a flick of light caught my eye on the deck... And almost missed a moment....   

You know, a moment that life stands still and God shows you something of beauty.  Something that in our rush of things, we zoom by..   Like the saying ... we don't stop and smell the roses...

We don't stop and see the beauty of life in a simple of things..  a leaf..  not just any leave.. but the perfect leave of little color, so we would miss it normally... but this leaf caught my eye.. not just the leave but to drops of rain that sat within shining in the sun...  showing natures beauty..  

look closer

now look at how easy it would be to step by and never get to see.......

the ones below.. because as you can see just above, they would be easy to miss....

Hope you are stopping today to take in the beauty of the small things in life. 

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