Tuesday, March 28, 2023



Seems like I have used that headline before..
And probably during this time of the year… 
But it is the way of life in the great Northwest, as
We wait for the REAL SPRING to show up..
See we get false spring …. A LOT!! here.. 

I want to do so much..  and hoping my body will hold up,
As this winter I have lost a lot of movement… I am still able to walk and talk..  lol…   but my endurance is surely lacking.. 

So going to have to get some equipment put in place before I get too gung-ho..   Like a chair near where I will be working.. so when the legs are trying to tell me ENOUGH IS ENOUGH…  I can sit for a while and then get going again.  

 Even thought about getting help..  I know there is a tiny one who would help.. but not sure how much he can do.. lol..  see he is only 3.. lol..  but he will be 4 in July.. lol. 

 Anyway, while I am working on getting a plan going..  it is wasted days and wasted nights..  as some of my best thinking is at night time.. when I am suppose to be sleeping..    at least that is how my brain works..   I think I am going to bed to sleep and my brain says.. BUT WAIT.. WHAT ABOUT THIS???  And etc..

So we are on the count down.. only 3 more days left of March.. and then it is APRIL and I will be in high gear… well, in thought anyway.



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