Monday, April 03, 2023

GUNS…and truth (imho)

GUNS…and truth (imho)

I told my brother in law…who was a Vietnam vet…  years ago... (he was an NRA member) that some day... some day.. the whacko's were going to cause the good people to HAVE to give up their guns... He started to interrupt... I said. no.. no.. NRA.. will not recognize in anyway.. that there is a problem.. they are so gunho of making sure they have guns right, they are not trying to work on a solution to stop the mentally ill from getting guns.. I get the German connection of how the country took the guns away and ran over the top of the citizens.. I get that.. but there has to be a way, that the government AND THE NRA can figure out.. how to get guns out of the hands of those who kill.. mass killings.. (this was the time of the Co. school shooting) otherwise... the only ones who will have guns will be the criminals.. as they will never comply with the laws.. but at least we can make it harder for those who should not have guns.. AND the NRA.. has to get on board to come up with ideas.. or we all lose..


AND  HERE WE ARE. 24 years later from Columbine shooting next month.. . 24 years… and how many more mass shootings in just school alone.. not even going for the Nevada country western shoot and all the rest..  just schools…  elementary to college… how many?

Not even counting how many at each one of them died..  or the ones who carry the emotions of that day.. who survived physically.. but not mentally..  There are a few who survived, that  go around and talk to people and classes.. some of the parents who lost theirs.. go around and talk..  

But that is all we get is talk.. Or the phase that is wearing on all of us..

WE ARE SENDING OUR THOUGHTS AND  PRAYERS… being said by the rules and policy writers called congress and state representatives..    I think we can all agree.. that THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS aren’t doing a damn thing..


While the guns is one of the main ingredient of these mass shootings… the other main ingredients is…  people..  mentally deranged .  is a common point….

We need to get SERIOUS… about these people who have decided they could not take it anymore..  Either bullying..  or worse. Or even for the glory… they think of it…   And we have to find out what is in their lives to lead up to this way of settling things with others?   Why innocent little children.. who probably didn’t even know the person.  Like in the Sand Hook case and the Tennessee case.. Sadly some of these answers went with the shooter who also died.  WE NEED THOSE ANSWERS!!!


Did video games that started in the 1990’s have any play.. after all the young mostly male minds were playing those games where it was a game to kill… Kill police, beat women.. guns and fast cars..  things that pump up young males.. from the age of 11 to 35… Any one who has read . Abby has seen the letters from the parents..  even on Dr. Phil program.. where their son’s and adult son’s are playing those games for anywhere from 8 to 24 hours.. at a time..  never coming out of their rooms .. only for food and bathroom breaks.. DAY AFTER DAY   … WEEK AFTER WEEKS..  how can the human mind take that kind of brainwashing.. without .. some day.. coming out of that room and make it real?   

I am sorry gamers.. if I stepped on your toes..   now you know how serious law bidding gun owners feel.


Those who are over the age of 50… 95% of them. Know that the Indians on the screen did not die..  They know that Tom did not torture Jerry…  they knew and know the difference between cartoons and real life..  Those who went to school in the west or other states that have hunting.. it was common for a gun to be seen in the back window of the pickup.. as the owner either went hunting before school or went after school..   THEY NEVER USE THAT GUN in the school. 

They respected that gun.. and its use.. their PARENTS taught them that.. 

AMERICA..  WE HAVE A PROBLEM..  and that problem could be YOU…  Do you really want to take all the guns away from the law bidding citizens?  Do really live in a world where you think the criminals are going to give up theirs?   Are you going to feel safe in your home.. knowing all the law abiding people don’t have guns.. Well, the criminals are sure hoping you do.. because that makes you an easier target.. and some day..  that could be life..  BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR… 

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