Monday, April 24, 2023

Stepping up to the plate….

Stepping up to the plate….

Some times in life something comes up, that is totally not expected.. Not for you, but for a friend..  A friend in need.

Moving you to a place that is not comfortable..  and as you get older, you get to a rut that is comfortable…  But life deals you a card… and you step up and accept the challenge of, “can I do this?”.  Not only accepting the challenge but to do it right.. and you aren’t sure how to do it right.. but you try your best. 

A long time friend of the King, has some health issues. We knew about one, but he seemed ok.. But the King would call just to check on him..  He talked to him once or twice and then he didn’t answer the phone..  So the King went to his house.. His truck was gone.. which was reassuring.. Thinking he was out taking care of business of life. 

But a week and half later, he found out he was in a hospital about 45 miles from us.. After going there, found out he had been at the local hospital and then transferred to the other one.  It is by a mere miracle that he had answered his cell phone which was still working AND he answered. And then there was the shock of the answer when the King asked where was he, as it did not sound like his house.  He had trouble talking so he handed the phone to the nurse. We have no clue why he did not let us know.. After all, when he had fallen in a parking lot almost 2 weeks before, he had the police call the King… and yes we went right away.  The EMT’s released him to us.. and the King drove his truck and him to his house… as that is what he wanted. He seem to be ok.. other than the small bump on his head.  But he was talking and making sense and was quite strong in his desire to go home.  So why didn’t he tell the hospital to call us..  we don’t know.  Maybe didn’t want to bother us? As he is that kind of a guy… But the bottom line, we came.. we met with the Dr. and talked with both of them… and found out how bad it was.  

There were a lot of thing that had to be done..  Needed a health poa..  the King said, yes, he would do that for him. Then there was the DNR paper, and we all talked thru that.. and he made a decision.  He also needed to do a will.  I have looked at several choice..  so still working on that one.

The King went to his house and secured everything.  Putting things away… locking them behind closed doors..  and empting the refrigerator of spoiled food..  Getting his paper work so he could make decisions and take care of business..   getting his mail.. helping him take care of that. 

ALWAYS reassuring him that he is in charge.  That ALL decisions are HIS.. we are just the vessel to make sure each thing he can’t do, we will get done for him.  Lots of decisions.. not easy ones for him..  But he is in charge. 

Like I said.. this is a little out of our comfort zone.  We have over the years of letting the kids go, and do their own thing.. that we know to stay out of others business..  Or as I some times say..  NOT MY RODEO AND NOT MY HORSE TO RIDE.. and now I have added..  AND I AM TOO OLD TO RIDE THE HORSES..  lol..  

But we are determine to make him understand, it is all his decisions..   Hoping we do it right. And if we get over our head..  we will find him help better than us.







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