Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It back to the cave, Batman

It back to the cave, Batman

Every year about this time of the year… we go into the cave.
It is pre AC time… We close all the curtains at 9am. As the sun goes around the house. So the house remains cool.
That is until it gets about 95.. and then that doesn’t work very well.  Way cooler than ourside.. but not really cool… As the house is really cool when it is the 80’s.
It is the way we use to do this before there was AC.  We had those old black noisy fans.. Remember them?

Being a person of daylight, sunlight.. open windows of breezes…  going cave like is not fun.   But it saves on the electric bill…  But over the weekend we weaken and the bedroom was the first AC to be installed. It was amazing how fast and well we slept.   And then Monday the main AC went in.  So we can open a few windows on the north side..  still keeping the others closed until  9pm
rest of the week is going to be the 80’s so it should be curtains open and the AC on low.

So how do you keep it cool in your house? 

Happy birthday… WLWII

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