Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Good bye July

Good bye July

As I get older… it seems like time goes faster.. As we head into August.. it seems like summer is running out… only a month left.. and it seems like it was just the first of June a short time ago. 

MANY years ago.. I think I might have written about it before.. someone told of how life as you get older is like riding a bike with the wheels being toilet paper rolls, that are unrolling… I kind of thought that was funny..  not so much anymore and it really does seem true.

So with a mere 31 days left of summer… I know it doesn’t end until September 21st.. but still..  so it is 52 days...left..
It still seems a short time. So got to maybe make my list of things to do before the end of September…  it is mid-October when I start packing the yard art away for the winter.  And the King will be planning his hunting schedule.
So much to do.. so little time…. How true that phrase is.

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