Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Mom, I am so sorry.. really I am…

Mom, I am so sorry.. really I am…

These are the words that we hear from our adult daughter who has just entered the tunnel of having her daughter become a teenager.  And that sweet teenager has become a grandmother’s revenge on said adult child.  

Some words of wisdom, she is asking you.  Oh, I wish there was a handbook on raising a teen, especially a girl teen.  See I always said I rather raise 5 sons than one daughter. Sons can be asses… but daughter.. OH GOD.. the hormones rages, the slamming of doors, the OH, MOM..  is just the light side of it all. 

She, that teenage daughter of sweetness, becomes an unknown human, that was bottled up in a sweet little girl growing up.   That sweet child.. will push your buttons, she will not only push them, she will play it like a wild organ,  IN FACT, she will push buttons that you didn’t even know you had. Your emotions and sanity, will be flinging like a racket ball on the walls of a racket court.

There are some good parenting classes out there, that may come in handy.  It isn’t that they give you all the answers, as there isn’t the perfect answers.  But they can teach you self control.

They teach you to keep calm on the outside, while you are a raving manic on the inside.  You don’t fly off the handle, screaming ….ARE YOU OUT OF YOU F-ING MIND?  WHY IN HELL DID YOU DO THAT?  WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING OF?   No, they teach you how to pull yourself together.. And say calmly, What ever made you think that was going to work?  How is that working out for you now?  You do know there are consequences for actions. Guess you didn’t think that out very well did you? So tell me again how is that working out for you now?

This is not easy…The first couple of times.. well, maybe the first 20 times..  But after a while you get a rhythm to it. 

You have to get thru to them… that while lying, to protect yourself from trouble.. brings more trouble. One, you have to remember the lie. Second, once your parent finds out you lied, you have blown their trust in you.  And trust is a heavy tool in life. But once you have blown is hard to get back. Can take months or even a year or so. Depending on how bad the lie is.  You have to tell them…always tell you the truth. It is hurtful.. If they tell you the truth, you can work thru it.  That you promise to do your best, not to go crazy when you hear the truth. And if you do go a little crazy, to give you 5 or 10 minutes to calm down, and then you will work with them.  That if it is bad enough to involve the law… that you will go thru it,  WITH them… NOT FOR THEM, because that is part of growing up, taking responsible for your actions.. but you will be there for moral support.  And it won’t be financial support, because once again.. you are responsible for your actions. That is part of growing up.  We all have had to do it. And you too will  survive it.  It is a learning lesson.

Also explaining that the world has changed since you were a teen.  That you made mistakes, like everyone has.. but the world is vicious now.  Women should never walk alone. Safety in numbers.   I can also tell you, that you should invest in the best self defense classes you can find. EVERY GIRL NEEDS TO KNOW HOW TO DEFEND HERSELF!

Also telling the parents is easier on you, than them finding out from someone else.    

Sports is a good idea for all teens.. male as well as female. It helps keep them busy… expensive maybe, but cheaper than bail money. 

So good luck.. Keep calm.. talk, but don’t lecture.  Remember every teen has a short attention span when it comes to parents..  Because after the 5th word, all they hear is blah, blah blah, like in the Charlie Brown cartoon with the teacher.  And if they are yelling or talking while you are, remind them, it is hard to listen  while you are talking.. (remember that when they are talking)

When deciding to be your kids best friend.. or a parent.. pick the parent.. they got lots of best friends.. they only have one set of parents, who love them unconditionally and will guide them, protect them, forever.

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