Tuesday, April 30, 2019

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself"

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself"

Most of us remember that this line was used in Franklin D. Roosevelt first inaugural address...  Then later got into World War II…

We all have fears… Fear of flying… fear of spiders, fear of failing....fear of losing a job... fear of snakes.... and so many more.. as the list goes on...

Some times those are self inflicted… and some are removed when the fear is gone..  one becomes more powerful. Such as when you give your notice of retirement…with a 2 weeks or a month notice.. you no longer fear the lost of the job.. So you end up standing up for yourself.. it is a free feeling.

Some, if you just thought it out.. we would not fear..  I have a system of when I know there is a large lump in life… that I work it thru in my mind..  I think of the worse that can happen. And what would I do if that happen. That way I have a plan.  Sometimes when you think of what the worse can happen, it relieves you somewhat.. especially if you have a back up plan… then if nothing happens you are ok.. and if the worse can happen, you got the back up plan..
Has worked for me..

It is hard when you worry about everything… or fear everything.. You just got to have faith in yourself… I know that is easier than said than done.

But I do think Franklin for the most part, has it right…


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Mueller Papers…

The Mueller Papers…

Finally the papers are release, in part.. there is a lot of black out…   I would understand the black out for a public release, as some of it is still going to be on, in on going court sessions on charges against some of the principles…   But wonder why they don’t release the whole section to a Congress committee. But I guess they figure they can’t trust Congress to keep their mouths shut…  which is sad…

But after hearing  and watch results from others who read it.. it has turn out just as I have been saying all along.  My take from the beginning.. was….  There would be a lot there to read. That while I figure there would be a lot that was immoral or at minimum, a lot of it would be unethical.
But not criminal.  And pretty much unimpeachable. 

Do I think it should have been done?  My answer is yes. Because it could have gone the other way just as well. But early on, there just seem to be a lot of smoke but no fires. And in the process they caught a lot of people doing unlawful things… just not the President. 

I also think the Mueller was the perfect person to run the show. He was very close mouth with 99% of it. And the people around him were as well. It was only when there were charges made, that anything really came out of it, before the end.  Mueller was very professional and fair as he ran the show.. I applaud him.

Trouble with politics is.. it is a crooked business.. always have been. If one goes back and read many books about the past. Read old newspaper of the times… you would see how crooked and mean spirit Congress has been since the get go.  Haven’t really read much about President being so crooked until the last 40 years.  But there is so much that goes on in the shadows the presidencies, the group that surrounds the President, that we only know the tip. So when they said some had contacted Russian officials between November when Trump was voted in.. and January when he was installed.. it really didn’t surprise me.. I just figured all the President elects group put out feelers for other nations.
The fact that Russia was involved in our elections doesn’t surprise me.. if it did surprise me,  it would be that this is the first time.. I really don’t think this is the first time.. In some ways I am sure their handy work has been in it .. for the past 20 years. Especially with computers and etc.    So to me was… did Trump do anything or his people before the election? Did he pay or make promises???  But then again, it is unethical but not criminal.. as of yet anyway.

So yes, it needed to be done… No I don’t think it will harm Trump in any way.. as nothing was criminal … and his interfering with the committee, well,   by refusing to do his bidding…  his people save him from those charges..  As it didn’t happen.. not that he didn’t try.

This coming election, next year… I foresee a blood bath.
Already have 20 Democrats in the running.. None that I think have a chance.. and if they do pull one from the list, that person will lose… And because Trump has no one running against him on his side..  I see him winning… which is a sad state of affairs. Because I hate to see another 4 years of him. And no one takes the Independents seriously.. because they rarely have someone worth voting for.

Well that is my humble opinion…..


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A man name Bob

A man name Bob

Bob goes to our church… in fact he is the second longest
member of the church.. 49 years, in fact.

Bob has been very active in the church over the years.
He has served on the board for many years.. and served on many committees over the years.  He and his wife.

Bob’s wife passed away about 3 years ago.. And Bob started sitting in the rear of the church against the wall, next to the door.  Easy to get in and out, as he walked with a cane. Bob is in his mid-80’s.

One Sunday, as we were doing the 5 minutes of meet and greet part of the service, I looked over and Bob looked a bit lonely.  So I went over and shook his hand and told him my name.  And he told me his…  we talk for a minute or two and then it was time to sit again.   After the service was over, I stopped by Bob as he stood up, and told him I would see him next Sunday… and he replied if I am still around.  Told
Him, I was pretty sure he would be.  And I don’t know why, but I gave him a hug…  That started a 2 year friendship.
He called me Her Ladyship for many of months.. and I would laugh.

I found out that Bob was a repairman.. Remember in the old days that a man would come to your house and fix your appliance and etc.. Well, that is what Bob did.  Also found out he was in the Navy.  We also joked about being old.  And while I was younger, but not by all that much.

Our pastor told us a story about 5 months ago about Bob. Seems a lady, from California,  called the church, looking for Bob.. So the secretary gave Bob her phone number. And he called back.
She wanted to tell him, that she was thinking about him, and what he did for her. And she wanted him to know how much that meant to her.  Seems he fix an appliance for her, and then several days later she was at a gas station. The two of them were putting in gas, and he was talking to her. She was having a rough time of it..  He suggested if she wanted to, she could go to his church.. that it was a good church and maybe it would make her feel better.  She decided to take him up on it.. and came to the church the following Sunday.
She came and went to several doings thru the months.. but then she moved away, to California.  That was 20 years ago. And she wanted him to know how much those words of kindness meant to her…  See that is the kind of man that Bob is.

Now over the year or so, Bob and I have talked and joked back and forth. And each week, I would give him a hug good by, as I left.  One day, he told me, that those hugs made him feel good, that he did not know why I was being so kind to him.  I told him he is a good man, and deserve hugs from others.  We joke about our ages off and on.. and about 2 months ago, one of us said something about our warranty being up. And we both laughed.. I told him, he still had a lot on his warranty yet.

Bob’s son who lives in Colville, decided that he would feel better if Dad was living nearer.  So after some discussion, they decided he would.  Easter Sunday was Bob’s last service he would be going to, as he is leaving Saturday.

I have Bob a hug.. told him I was going to miss him.  He said, do you think you will?  And I replied Oh, yes, Bob, I will. And he said.. well I will miss your hugs and talk.  So I gave one more hug.. and then another.. Told him the first one was from me telling him good bye… and the second one was to hold him over until he got to Colville, where there will be more people to give him his well deserved hugs…. And to remember.. he still has a bit of more time on his warranty. We laughed.. and I said good bye, Bob….. and behind us, was many more to bid him good bye… He surely will be missed by a lot of people.

You know, sometimes all it takes is a little hug, to be a big thing to someone else…


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

And the world mourned….

And the world mourned….

We sat by our televisions or saw on our computers…
Facebook, news sites… reporting  with pictures and then videos..
The television… had live feeds as you watch and felt sad.
You didn’t have to be Catholic to feel sad … You didn’t have to be French to feel the sadness.

We watch as the steeple which stood so proud on top for so many years…with flames so high, trying to stay..yet toppled down on to the roof.   As the roof had flames circling around the top of the building..

For over 800 years the church stood for so many things.. to survive not only life..but bombs that were around the area during World War II….  And she stood tall.

I don’t think there was anyone who wasn’t affected by the burning of the great Notre Dame Cathedral.  Such a grand building.. for all.  Tourist came and walked thru her in amazement of her glory… And of course the French, love her with all their hearts.. 
The country people.. stood and some got on their knees, with their rosary’s… praying…  Singing Ava Maria… with tears flowing…  as the world watched … and tears all over the world as they watched…  

How sad, how sad.. but with it comes hope.. there are two billionaires that I have read.. who are donating over a million dollars each for the rebuilding of it. But somehow it won’t be quite the same…


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Easter Egg Hunts can be dangerous….

Have you ever been to an Easter Egg Hunt put on by some group?  It is wicked… the grabbing of the eggs,  pushing shoving… angry voice… it is scary…. And that is the parents… 

Luckily they came up with a idea to divide the groups by ages.  So the 8 to 12 are in one group… 7 to 5 another and the 4 and under.. another..  Trouble is .. the 4 and under are accompanied by their parents.. mothers usually…  and that is where it gets sticky…   I was at one.. where they made the parents stay to the sides so the little kids could go out and pick up eggs…. Some even let a parent go with the 2 years olds…BUT no parent could touch ANY EGG… only was able to pick up the egg that the child missed the bucket with.

There was one this year already, that had the kids in group but no rules about the parents not helping the 4 and under. When the group realized there weren’t enough eggs for all of the little ones.. they came with a bucket and dumped about 200 more eggs… at which time SOME of the women circled the eggs with their children in the middle and wouldn’t let anymore kids in.. WHAT THE HECK IS WITH THAT?  So much for Christianity….  After all that is what EASTER is really about..

After last year, my granddaughter has decided to just have the Easter egg hunt at home.. with family..  right now there isn’t any other kids.. but that is ok… In two years he will have a brother to find them  with.  

Now when mine kids were Easter egg hunting… I don’t recall there ever being a group… cousins yes, but a group with strangers, no…   Most of the time it was just the brothers and sisters doing the hunting…  Oh, yea.. our eggs were the real deal… they were the eggs the kids colored the night before…. And an adult went outside and hid the eggs while another adult made sure there were no children by the windows…  Also after they found all the eggs… then they took turns hiding the eggs … and this would go on about 8 times.. before they got tired of it..  And the eggs became deviled eggs for a week after… As they got baskets with candy when they got up Easter morning..

Also sometimes the dog found the eggs… a couple days after as there was always some eggs lost in the shuffle.

How about you..  did your kids go to an event by a group.. or did you do your own in your back yard?


Wednesday, April 10, 2019



Music is the universal language.. No matter what language you speak, or even if you don’t speak.. music touches all of us. 

It brings back memories of our past, when we hear an old tune on the radio or television…   Where we were when we heard it.. or a love that has passed, the music will bring back that magicial moment.. of the dance, the smile or what ever.

Children love music.. you have seen on internet where a child at the age of 2 will wiggle to the sound of music..and 3 year olds and 4 year olds will dance their own version of the tune.

The elderly will have fond memories as they hear the music from the 40’s and the big bands..  When I was working at a health care center, us workers would joke about how when we got old enough to live there, it would be rock and roll sound thru the halls. 

Even residents with dementia.. would sway to the music. I saw on television, a show where a man put head phones on residents who didn’t talk anymore.. or even react to what was around them…  would lighten up and those who had not talked.. would sing the words to the song.

How many of us, while doing chores will have a cd playing with an old songs that bring a tap to the feet… joy to the heart… and make the chore a little more fun..  Bridge over Trouble Waters by Simon and Garfunkel is my go to cd. And when it plays a few of them.. especially CECILIA… I play it loud… I also have it in my car.. a cassette of it..  and play it loud with the windows open.. I am sure there are the younger people going by and laughing at the old lady who is bopping her head, and drumming the steering wheel.. as she drives or stops at a light.. 

So let the sun shine in… turn off the television you are using for background sounds… and turn up the cd or radio station..
And maybe sing along..  I don’t think there are too many people who don’t sing along with …… YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE.. MY ONLY SUNSHINE…YOU MAKE ME HAPPY WHEN SKIES ARE GREY… YOU’LL NEVER KNOW DEAR HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU…SO
Now try to get that out of your head..  lol..


Tuesday, April 09, 2019

79 and still feeling fine…

79 and still feeling fine…

This pass several days the King and I have been
celebrating turning another year.. Started out slow
on his…and stepped up on mind.. as friends took us
out to lunch.. as us women shared the same date birthdays.
Even Saturday was pretty calm… but Sunday went into
over drive…. Lunch with another bunch of friends..and our
usual game of Mexican trains…followed..
Headed for home.. to unload the food that we were sent
home with.. let Misty out to do her thing .. and fed her..
Then it was off to the Mexican restaurant that we all favor,
with our relatives…  daughter, grandson, with his fiancée and Lil man, add on to that.. our daughter’s in-laws.. sister, and step dad…  What a fast and great day..

My daughter asked me.. what do you want to do next year?
Being it will be the big 80…. I thought for a section and said… I really don’t know but I want it to be LOUD AND PROUD… well, from the looks of this picture, I might have all ready did that this year… really wasn't that loud..  I had a birthday shot, and went wa...la..  or oley? 

The King and I were thinking about how blessed we are. We had over 30 cards from friends and family..  We had two phone calls each, starting out with being serenaded on both days.. twice… once by son and his family and the other was the King’s brother and his wife…  We had other phone calls.
We had over 50 wishes for the two of us.. on Facebook… from friends and family…. Truly blessed.. 

So now it is onward towards the next year… 

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

APRIL... the beginning of real Spring

Finally Spring weather... 
and I have been busy... pruning clematis
snow ball bush and Lilac bush... I had a
pile about 4 foot high and 10 feet long..

Then there was the lawn furniture and the
cooker, dragged out...

Got the flower beds cleaned up.. spread the
shavings around.. clean up old leaves from lilies
and such...

And my back is not ready for all of this..
Thank goodness for the hot tub...

So thru all of this.. I was thinking as i was trying
to keep ahead of the rain storm that is scheduled for
today... Oh, my gosh... it is Tuesday... and I forgot
to do the blog..   But I did put one up on Sunday,
a trib. to my dear friend Wayne... so I will try to do
better next week... after all next week, I will be
a year older... And this Friday, I have so many
places to go to celebrate.. with friends who also
have the same date..

Hope your weather has been as good as ours.
but rest of the week is going to be indoor stuff.
With 7 days of rain..

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, grandson Danny and
friend Susan..  so many April birthdays..