Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Mueller Papers…

The Mueller Papers…

Finally the papers are release, in part.. there is a lot of black out…   I would understand the black out for a public release, as some of it is still going to be on, in on going court sessions on charges against some of the principles…   But wonder why they don’t release the whole section to a Congress committee. But I guess they figure they can’t trust Congress to keep their mouths shut…  which is sad…

But after hearing  and watch results from others who read it.. it has turn out just as I have been saying all along.  My take from the beginning.. was….  There would be a lot there to read. That while I figure there would be a lot that was immoral or at minimum, a lot of it would be unethical.
But not criminal.  And pretty much unimpeachable. 

Do I think it should have been done?  My answer is yes. Because it could have gone the other way just as well. But early on, there just seem to be a lot of smoke but no fires. And in the process they caught a lot of people doing unlawful things… just not the President. 

I also think the Mueller was the perfect person to run the show. He was very close mouth with 99% of it. And the people around him were as well. It was only when there were charges made, that anything really came out of it, before the end.  Mueller was very professional and fair as he ran the show.. I applaud him.

Trouble with politics is.. it is a crooked business.. always have been. If one goes back and read many books about the past. Read old newspaper of the times… you would see how crooked and mean spirit Congress has been since the get go.  Haven’t really read much about President being so crooked until the last 40 years.  But there is so much that goes on in the shadows the presidencies, the group that surrounds the President, that we only know the tip. So when they said some had contacted Russian officials between November when Trump was voted in.. and January when he was installed.. it really didn’t surprise me.. I just figured all the President elects group put out feelers for other nations.
The fact that Russia was involved in our elections doesn’t surprise me.. if it did surprise me,  it would be that this is the first time.. I really don’t think this is the first time.. In some ways I am sure their handy work has been in it .. for the past 20 years. Especially with computers and etc.    So to me was… did Trump do anything or his people before the election? Did he pay or make promises???  But then again, it is unethical but not criminal.. as of yet anyway.

So yes, it needed to be done… No I don’t think it will harm Trump in any way.. as nothing was criminal … and his interfering with the committee, well,   by refusing to do his bidding…  his people save him from those charges..  As it didn’t happen.. not that he didn’t try.

This coming election, next year… I foresee a blood bath.
Already have 20 Democrats in the running.. None that I think have a chance.. and if they do pull one from the list, that person will lose… And because Trump has no one running against him on his side..  I see him winning… which is a sad state of affairs. Because I hate to see another 4 years of him. And no one takes the Independents seriously.. because they rarely have someone worth voting for.

Well that is my humble opinion…..


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