Wednesday, April 17, 2019

And the world mourned….

And the world mourned….

We sat by our televisions or saw on our computers…
Facebook, news sites… reporting  with pictures and then videos..
The television… had live feeds as you watch and felt sad.
You didn’t have to be Catholic to feel sad … You didn’t have to be French to feel the sadness.

We watch as the steeple which stood so proud on top for so many years…with flames so high, trying to stay..yet toppled down on to the roof.   As the roof had flames circling around the top of the building..

For over 800 years the church stood for so many things.. to survive not only life..but bombs that were around the area during World War II….  And she stood tall.

I don’t think there was anyone who wasn’t affected by the burning of the great Notre Dame Cathedral.  Such a grand building.. for all.  Tourist came and walked thru her in amazement of her glory… And of course the French, love her with all their hearts.. 
The country people.. stood and some got on their knees, with their rosary’s… praying…  Singing Ava Maria… with tears flowing…  as the world watched … and tears all over the world as they watched…  

How sad, how sad.. but with it comes hope.. there are two billionaires that I have read.. who are donating over a million dollars each for the rebuilding of it. But somehow it won’t be quite the same…


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