Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Your life is a yard sale…..

I  think I might have mention this before.. but a few years ago, I was yard saling with my sister in law and her daughter.  My niece…  As we pulled away from the estate sale .. yard sale…  Kayte said… “Well, Mom, now you know your life is a yard sale a day after you die”….  We laughed.. as it is so true..

Over the years we have seen families divide up Mom and Dad’s things… Or Grandpa and Grandma’s…  Some even fight over what they wanted..  Saying MOM PROMISE THAT TO ME..  And then there are the family members who don’t want any of it.. just get rid of it.. Hence, we have estate yard sales or even auctions..

Look around your house… really… all those things that you prize… does your family?  My answer is probably not.
I have things that please me… so I keep them.  Some are given to me from families and friends..
Or I just bought them, because….. again… they please me.

About 5 years ago, I decided to down size my place. So put out the word to the kids… Is there anything in my house that you saw, that you would like after we are gone?  Because I am going to give a LOT to the animal shelter store… so say something now.. or it might not be here when I am gone.   If it is something I am not ready to get rid of… I will put your name on the back or bottom of it.. And it will be yours.. If I decide to get rid of it in a couple years…. I will remember who wanted it.. In the mean time.. if I am getting rid of it now..  says so now…
Several of them did say so… and we did ship those items off to them.. Surprising no one wanted the same thing that the other wanted.  Also surprising they were not big items nor expensive… One wanted a sign that was given to me about 40 years ago… one wanted a little Christmas tree.. rest didn’t seem to want anything..  And I can’t blame them.. we are people of small means.. so there is no treasure, except maybe what is in their minds.. 
I gave one of my bibles away to a grandson.. With a promise of reading the 23 psalm at my funeral out of it.

So look around your house…if you are over 65, think of what you want to have done with things.. If you haven’t use it in YEARS, maybe you should ask your kids.. about it.. and if they don’t want it.. have a yard sale and go out to dinner on the sales..  

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