Monday, April 19, 2021

A change….be careful what you ask for…

A change….be careful what you ask for…

 I figured last week, that I needed a change.. Mix things up a bit. And I told myself… change is good… never to old to change things.

So I did it..  I went to a beauty shop (that is kind of a funny name, in itself… I guess because we are suppose to be beautiful when we come out)   I decided to get my hair trim again.. Going short again.

What?  that is a change?  Nope, but getting my hair colored is… and that is what I did.. 

I had asked for steel grey… that I was tired of the white. But my hair is actually about 3 or 4 colors naturally.  It is white in front. And then the sides and back can be… grey, light and dull,  and dark grey, and silver. At any given time, no real rhyme or rhythm  to it.  So I thought the dark grey was steel grey. So we went for that…  The King told me as I was leaving.. have her put in some highlights… Highlights with grey? Well, can ask.  Also went for daring… black underneath in the back…

She said sure, we can use your white hair for highlights and color the rest.  2 hours later, it was trim and colored.. And she turn me around to see. OH, MY GOD… LOL LOL… what a shock. The steel grey was darker than I thought.. And there was black underneath.. on the sides…. But I thought .. it is ok.. I will get use to it..  Went home and found a small problem, but the gal had me come in and took care of that..  it is just now trying to live with darker hair… from stark white to very dark charcoal grey. 

The next morning it wasn’t so bad.. and it is starting to grow on me.  So if you know me, here is what it is like.. lol..




Marianne Love said...

Looks great, Cis1

Marianne Love said...

Make that an exclamation mark!