Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012

Names that make you shudder...


Why is it when someone uses your name in full, you

shudder?  At least I do.. Authority uses it and you shake.

IRS, Doctors, Police Officers, Dentist, Teachers, anyone

who uses your full name... And especially those who use

your legal name when you use a nick name with friends.


Have you figured out why that is? I sure know why. It wasn't

true of my father.. and most fathers don't get the reaction.

But YOUR MOTHER... who else when has had it with you..

used your full name, and not in


Then there is some of us, who not only use the full name when

you are trying to rein in your child...but when the household

has multiple children... as ours did.. sometimes you have to go

thru the list of name until you get the right one. Putting every

one on alert.


So, next time someone says your full name and a slight shudder

comes across your shoulders.. .... it is your mother's fault. lol


1 comment:

marlu said...

Until recently the doctor's office could only use the first name which resulted in several people rising when "Mary" was called. Reason? Privacy.
Finally they have relented and can call the last name along with the first. I must admit no shuddering - just happy to be next up to get out of the waiting room.