Tuesday, August 16, 2016

When to let go and how?

Letting go is not always easy… the closer you are, the harder it is.
Being one’s health directive, is a fine line of what the person wants,
and what do you do, and when…  unless you have a very through decision.. looking at all the angles.. it is not cut and dry.  Be it a friend, brother or parent. Or even your spouse.  It is a discussion we have, but we just skim thru, having it and rarely detailing it.

The lesser of the letting go is material things.  Those of us who
have cluttered homes… when we get serious.. we can let go.
Even hoarders end up letting go, if pushed far enough into with
a support system. But it is still hard to let go of possessions that
mean a lot to you.. either by someone special giving it to you..
or a special place… or handed down by a parent.  But as my
sister in law’s daughter pointed out to us as we left a yard sale.
An estate sale.. your possession are a yard sale 3 day after you

Then there is the heart breaking, heart wrenching decision of letting
go of ones pet.  Wanting to hang on.. but the question is for what
reason.  Is it for you, or for them?  If you decide.. to let go, are
you constantly double question yourself.. are you doing it for you
or for them.  And then when the decision comes.. you know what
you have to do… breaking your heart… not wanting them to
suffer…. Looking for signs there they are getting better when you
know in your heart they aren’t.  I have had to make this decision
a couple times over the years…. And by the time you read this…
I will have had to make the decision to go in today.  

Letting go… no matter what.. human or pet… tears your heart out.

1 comment:

Mari Meehan said...

Oh CIs, I am so sorry. In time the good and funny memories will over take the grief. Until then it's sheer agony. I'm here if you want to talk.