Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Do you use Pen or Pencil?

Do you use Pen or Pencil?

Over the years I have gained an addiction.
Not a real heavy one… as I don’t do well…so it has to be light.   Some of the hard ones, I try .. and if I get 10 out of all the answers, it is a winner for me.

But the daily ones, I do fair to midland.  Some times I get almost all of the answers.. and sometimes, I actually get all of them..

What the heck am I talking about?  Crossword puzzles.   I read that in 1913 there was a man who came from England, and he worked for a newspaper. He was trying to find something fun to print for their Christmas edition.   So he came up with a  WORD CROSS… (it was later changed to crossword) and it was a diamond shape with no black squares and it had a blank diamond in the middle.   He put in the first answer which was the word  FUN as he had hoped it was going to be for everyone who tried it.. it also had a hidden question… what is this puzzle?… after you finished it.. you would learn the answer..  HARD..

I am not so fond of the books of crossword puzzles.. Don’t know why as it would be handy to have one in the car for those times you have to wait for someone. But I do try each one I see in the newspaper.
In fact it might be the only reason why I get the local paper.. ha ha.. 
My mother loved them and she did do them in ink.. which I thought was amazing..  I was a pencil person for years as I had to erase a LOT. Lol…  but over the years, I have been doing it in pen… not because I am so good at it….. because I am not…  but I have learn to just faintly put in a letter… and if I do know the answer without a doubt.. then I put it in strongly.

I find it to be something to calm me down in stressful times… guess you can’t worry so much if you are doing a crossword puzzle.

So do you do crossword puzzles?  Are you an ink or a pencil person. 

The man was Arthur Wynne  and the paper was New York World

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