Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why is it so hard to ask for directions

Why is it so hard to ask for directions?

Men are the worse for it..but there are women who
are just as bad… I am one of them…

The best thing I heard of late was… ARE YOU LOST?

If it is the city, I hate to pull into a gas station, as most of them are not manned anymore… and those who are.. with the store bit with them….. don’t seem to know anymore than I do… and it is their town. 
Two years ago, we were trying to get back to I- 5 from the town of Yelm  The GPS was not of any help.. it took us down an alley…  So we finally bit the bullet and stopped at a gas station. 
The woman told us to go down the road 3 blocks and turn left.. we will see the signs…   We went.. we did NOT see the signs… ended up going around 3 blocks… came to another gas station.. same thing… not where there was I- 5… 

What we found out… was IF we were told to go down and take the  south freeway entrance,, (WHICH MADE NO SENSE AT ALL, we wanted to go NORTH)  and travel 2 miles we would see a sign saying… I-5 NORTH… turn off… But no one said that.. 

We weren’t lost…  we just hadn’t found the right road yet… lol ..

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