Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My Best Friend wrote a book!!!


I met a gal thru blogging about 10+ years ago.
We both knew and read a blog called HBO. Run my Spokane Review employee Dave Olivera..
She emailed me and asked if we could be friends.

Well, HBO has come and gone.. I still attempt to keep this blog running ..  at least until next April…and Mari writes from time to time on her Dogwalk Musing…  but it has been months.  (that is on the list on my blog on the left side)

She had an idea in her head years ago.. and it popped up this Spring seriously… Serious enough to get it down on paper.  We went to lunch, which we average once a year if not twice.. while there we were kicking around ideas… she would bounce some off of me… and I would come up with a hair brain idea once in great while…lol.. which she would think about, but add to it and rearrange it as it should be.. I found it to be fun… and it was a blast to see her so excited. 

She got it down.. then the fun started… getting a person to read it for mistakes and etc.. correct of language or what ever.  And she had to find some one who had gone thru it ..to help her.. and they had to find a publisher.  That took months.. and some frantic times.   My only input was to encourage her not to give up… to keep fighting.. and yes she was right to not let them change the story or anything about the characters.  And she stuck to her guns..  Also the amazing part is she did all of her own drawings.  Which did not amaze me because I had seen some of her carving… which were totally amazing. She use to do chess pieces.. I saw her Alice in Wonderland set.

So without further a do… here it is… the book…

And I will shamelessly promote it for her.. you go on line to AMAZON put in Slobbers and Slime by Mari Meehan  … it is a great book for you and your children to read together.. and Adults like it too. It is a story told by a Saint Bernard.  

happy birthday mm

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