Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Kind of on the slow side this am…

Kind of on the slow side this am

Spend two weeks getting ready for Thanksgiving.. and now
spending a weekend putting things back that I decluttered
last week..

Got all my Christmas cards out…for some reason years ago.. about 4 or 5 … I sat down and did all the cards two or three days before Thanksgiving..  just to get it over with…and had some down time.. Ever since, it seems like a good idea..   Don’t know why.. and this year was kind of frustrating… See each year I have a list from the year before.. I use that to send out the cards for the present year. So if you didn’t send us one last year.. you won’t get one this year.  I have this list printed out and on the computer.. plus I have two sheets of paper with the return addresses taped to it.. so I will have the currant address.   So when I placed the cards on the table.. I went to get that list.. It was NOT on my computer..I search under every wording I could think of.. even just the numbers of 2018.  Nothing..  Not in file cabinet.. Not on the desk in a folder of Misc. Nothing..  So had to wing it.   In the process I did clean up my address book and file.. and got all of them all up to date..   Spend the next two hours of addressing the envelopes and putting the card of my choice in the card after signing it.   The great thing about Facebook, is every friend knows what is going on in your life.. so you don’t have to write up a funny newsletter or write a note in each. I think I wrote in about 4 of non computer friends..  So they are all done and mailed.. Now just got the family ones to do..

So after all that.. and shoveling the new snow..  the blog kind of slipped my mind until this morning… hope the rest of December is better prepared.  Seems like I am always a day late and a dollar short.

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