Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Waiting for the other foot to drop….

We have been teased with a little snow here and there.
Nothing over 4 inches.. most of it 2 inches or less…
But they say, that is over and come Friday will start
our White Christmas weather…

We are suppose to get 3 inches tonight.. but come Friday
They are talking serious stuff… 8 inches and talking feet
in the higher levels.. 

So it is back to winter exercise… me shoveling and the King
with his 4 x 4  pushing snow… he does our driveway…and our neighbors as she lets him push snow on to her property in the back area, so he has room to push it later, as it gets deeper.  Then there
Is the snowblower.. to make Misty track for going pee…  I really don’t mind going out and shoveling off the deck.. it is refreshing .. with the cold air..  Then there is the car shuffle… me moving them, him plowing that area.. and me putting it back, then moving the truck.. same thing..  But mid February or March we aren’t as happy doing it.. but we know Spring is coming.. 

So the question is.. will we be shoveling and plowing or will it go around us, like it has the past 4 storms..   Just glad we don’t live on the East coast where the snow storms have been horrible and the tornados are worse.  At least our ground and homes stay in one place.   Saw pictures of last year on this date and we had over a foot..  so thankful for small favors.

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