Tuesday, December 31, 2019



Good by 2019, we hardly knew ya…. 
For some reason this year flew by… I think it has to do with age.
The older we get, the faster time goes. Knowing we don’t have a lot left… the toilet paper roll is unwinding…

That remark comes from a very old joke… The joke went as this..
I had a dream… and I was riding a bicycle as fast as I could.. and I looked down and saw that the front wheel was a roll called LIFE and it was a toilet paper roll, unwinding as I went…the faster I went.. the faster the roll unwind…   
Now to me that isn’t a joke.. but maybe it was to me then, about 40 years ago.. as I found it funny then…  not anymore…. As it seems to predict out lives… Guess the moral of the story would be to slow down and enjoy the ride… 

Early 2019, had for the most part been unrememberable start.. at least I don’t remember much happening…  seem like spring came on fast and then summer followed it.. Easter flew by, then 4th of July whisked by as well… But as the summer was ending… so were so many in our lives were ending as well… First up was my sister.   Then there was my cousin.. then the King’s cousin and another one.. and then to end that series… his younger brother… as we headed into late fall.
So here we are, at the end of 2019, and grateful for others who got sick and came back to good health.  Grateful for those in our lives, and grateful for our lives…   So we will bide you good bye 2019.

In fact we are glad to bide good bye to as well…20TEENS.. meaning since 2011… We lost a lot in these years…  More siblings… my brother, the Kings sister, and so many friends… that it still hurts… We are praying that 2020 is going to be kinder… 
HAPPY NEW YEAR my friends and fellow bloggers….I am grateful for all of you who have stuck with me these years.. all two of you.. lol..  as you read me off and on..  Thank you to those of you who just started to read, and maybe  have checked back to read some of the old one..  
I happen to go back there myself this past weekend..  and was surprised at how well I use to rewrite.. Some funny, some were interesting… and thoughtful…   surprised me, as I don’t think I am that good..  but if you like to.. I went back to 2011… October..  looking up and down thru the whole month.. I read several and was “wow… I wrote that?” Damn I was good.  lol…

AND FOR YOUR HUMOR ENJOYMENT…..HERE IS TWO MORE.. http://wordtosser.blogspot.com/2011/10/salesmen-can-be-fooled-just-as-taxi.html

 also there is a reference to the toilet paper roll as well.   


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