Tuesday, May 05, 2020

I’m skating thru this….

I’m skating thru this….

More babbling from a inhouse person… ha ha… Or how you can clean your house and have fun doing it…
I came across an idea how to clean my kitchen floor without a mop.
I have some Lysol wipes (I got them from before this madness) that the King got for me.. when I asked for Clorox wipes.. which I use on the sink counters and cutting boards.. I am not a fan of using Lysol where I am going to be putting food… so stashed them  in the back of the cupboard… 

As I got ready to mop the floor, which I do the old fashion way.. mop… bucket, and water with bleach or Mr Clean… I did get one of those buckets with the spinner in it.. So saves on the wrist as I ring it out.   I looked in to find the Mr. Clean and saw the Lysol wipes… and a thought came across my brain.. What if I use them to wash the floor?  And no. I was not looking forward to doing it on my hands and knees… HOW ABOUT.. putting them on the floor and push with my foot… (the height of laziness, right?)  Well, I am here to tell you.. it was not a bad idea after all.. For one, when I found a bad spot.. I could put extra weight behind it … with my body… and go back and forth and it WORKED!!...
Doing the rest of the floor … reminded me of ice skating..  except I got to stay up… and not fall….. which I did think about that.. would I loose my balance.. But it went well..
So I skated thru it… did the whole job without having to go back over and rinse and etc.

So what ideas have you come up with? During these can be boring times?...

Funny with all of this time.. I have not taken on the chores I keep telling myself.. I will get around to doing that when I have a lot of time on my hands….  Have you said that? Have you done it with this time on your hands… One that comes to mind is.. my  file cabinet… I surely have had the time… but now that I have the time…… I don’t want to do it.  Haha

Well, hang in there.. hopefully things will open up for all of you.. See this kind of  like what I normally do… I am not a gadabout person.   But it is kind of like having your husband take the car.. because you have no where to go.. and about  15 minutes  after he has left the driveway.. you can think of a dozen of place you needed to go..

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