Wednesday, May 20, 2020

To Mask or Not to Mask….

To Mask or Not to Mask….how about you?

As things are easing up around the country.. some more so than others..
The question seems to be, should you wear a mask or not..  
There are MANY views of this..  Both by the average citizen, who
has become a health expert.. but even the Health Experts themselves,
are at odds with each other..

Big thing in certain business..  big stores and offices alike.. are saying no mask, no service..   And there are plenty of doctors weighing on the mask should be worn.. 

Seems like there are plenty on the other side…especially those who are yelling for their freedom of use.  That no government is going to make them wear a mask.. they have rights..  Once chorus down South decided not to and ended up half of their group ended up with the virus..  those are hard number to beat.  But even some doctors are telling you .. you are doing more harm than good, if you wear a mask.

The King and I decided to wear mask in Walmart… and other big box stores. We, have decided to sometimes go without in a small store that may only have about 4 people it in..  If we feel secure, we will go without. If not.. or if we feel others feel threaten by not having you wear a mask.. we wear the mask..  Up until last week, though, we wore a mask everywhere.

We wear mask for two reasons… Ones is we do feel like it protects us from breathing in germs… we would feel the same way if the flu season was full blast and it was ramped…  But we also wear our mask to protect YOU… You might laugh and say how does it protect me?…. If we have a cold, we don’t want to give it to you.   The King has wore a mask in the past just for that reason.. or if he goes to a friend to help out and that friend has a bad cold.. he will wear a mask.. 
But also… last year.. end of April or first of May, the King and I got some kind of bug… not the flu.. cold like type. It was over in about 4 days.. EXCEPT FOR THE DAMN COUGH… that took another 6 weeks..  And after that.. we ended up with a dry cough.. even still..  The King’s dr. thinks he has asthma as he also had trouble breathing for a while and now has a breathing thing… so it must be asthma…  I am not so sure, wish  (they discovered this about January or early Feb)..they did a test to make sure.. But time ran out for that.. yep, the virus showed up and no test, no office visits..
But anyway.. we both from time to time will cough.. it is a dry cough.. but never the less…  Well, we found out… that if I were to cough WITHOUT the mask.. people jump to the side.. like you are Typhoid Mary. We get some of the quick looks even with the mask..  but when they see the mask, they seem to relax and figure what ever we have.. they must be safe.. So you can just imagine what it would be like.. if we didn’t have the mask.. 

So to mask or not to mask?  What is it for you? 

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