Tuesday, October 06, 2020


 I was finishing up dinner and then it hit me.. TODAY IS TUESDAY... 

AND I had not posted my blog... 

It has been one of those day.... I woke up late.. I was suppose to be at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles by 8 to get in line.   It was 20 to 8. I jumped out of the bed, threw on something.. grabbed my camera as I had to take a picture of a trailer that the King is building... to take with us.   We were going down to the DMV to get another plate for the smaller trailer we have, as the one was crunched so bad, it was hard to read. It had a 2 on the end of the sticker.. so figured it was expiring in 2022.  And the King could not find the registration for it.. The only one he found expired 2018!!   As it was, while we were waiting.. the King looks at me... and says,  "maybe you should have wore your hat"... I looked at him and said.. You didn't wake me up..  I had 15 minutes to dress, get your picture, fill out the paperwork on the picture.. and grab a cup of coffee to get here at 5 before 8 and you expect combed hair? 

Well, long story short, We had NOT registered it in 2018 for up to 2022...  It was only for 2018 and the 2, I guess got scrunched over to the end..  So $31.00 later we had a new plate and paper work. And instructions on how to get the new one registered. 

Had to take the new trailer to get weighed, sign papers and back to the DMV which surprisingly was easy to get in..  we were the next one up..  We were #4 this morning ..but that is because we got there a half hour early.. After hearing horror stories of 2 to 3 hour waits.. we were happy. 

Also thru this agenda, was the truck engine light coming on.. this is not your usual one, but something for the emissions EVAP canister fault... After getting the correct part.. and then finding out where to put it, as it wasn't where the King thought it was... WA..LA.. all fixed and he is now ready...  Truck fixed.. trailers registered.   See the world comes to an end come Saturday as it does every October..  

IT IS HUNTING SEASON... so all else comes to a screeching halt.  

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