Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Hunters Widow….

The Hunters Widow…. 

Each year as the hunter bugles blow and the truck fly out the driveway at 0  hour before dawn,.. or maybe left the night before for      ELK CAMP…

There is the moans of women, who are left alone.  But in all fairness, there are those of us who greet it with the same venue we are in when our kids go back to school after the end of summer… visions of sitting on the porch with a party hat, noise maker and a large drink in our other hand, yelling WHOOPIE!!


I am that such Hunter Widow… See I treasure it like when my husband had                 to go to Boise for class, for a week in the summer thru the bus shop where he worked.    A whole week to do what I want… when I want…. Not have to stop mid day for lunch or another commitment. I have control of the REMOTE control… NO DEAD MAN CHANNEL!


So when the King left on Saturday, Sunday and Monday .. at before early dawn … (they have to get situated to where they want to start at dawn)

I strolled out about 7ish, in my pj’s.  I got the Sunday paper and slowly cruised thru it.. I visited You tube to watch my church video, because of the virus…And I was kind of sluggish. Not motivated. I glanced at Facebook…and then I saw where my daughter posted what I took as a challenge…  It was a picture of before and after she clean out her refrigerator. Knowing how bad mine was.. I decided to take up the non existing challenge.  As my refrigerator look like some one took a food cannon and shot it in to the refrigerator and doors.   After about an hour and half.. I had a full garbage bag full of old food, food stuff, that I had not used for years… and one such jar had what appeared to be tea bags in it..  I open it and it was mold.. and I could not tell you what was in the jar originally. As it had been deposited in the lowest shelf in the far right side… you know the never neverland of the refrigerator…  I washed all of the shelves, and the door shelves.. and put what I really needed. A few things I wanted.  And found out I had 8 jars of Litehouse Chunky Bleu Cheese dressing.  I took the pictures of before and after….. and posted them.. and challenged others.

And was answered 10 folds…


It was only 11:30am.. so I thought.. while I am on a roll, I will clean out my husband’s cabinet he has next to his chair…and a little bit next to his chair. After all ….he was gone… And the cabinet was broke anyway.  So I took another cabinet which was slightly smaller, put in place of the broke one, and put his stuff in there in order… All his foot lotions on one side…(he has diabetes so has to keep check on his feet)  All his sprays on the other side and slide his little box with what ever in it.. in the middle.. shut the door.  To a pile out on the floor…  I rearranged the pile next to his chair, and found a cat box, for lack of a better description…. It is round, had a place the cat can get in to  hid.. and a top to curl up on.. covered with carpet.  We have not own a cat for 4 years.  So clean that out.. found a stool, put the stuff on top of that.. with another pile of papers and stuff left over.  I even found his hunting knitted cap he couldn’t find… and I found his hand warmer thingie.

I went thru a good share and threw away old papers of nothings.  Phone numbers with no names.. magazine 4 years old and catalogs about the same. I took what I didn’t  know about and put them in a bag for him to go thru.

Waa la…. Another clean up mess….  What can I do now.. I am on a roll.


Oh, yea.. my summer clothes are still out..  so got my tote of winter and exchanged it..


And then I hear a familiar sound… the truck.. it had return with trailer and 4 wheeler.. DANG.. DRAT!!...  Ah, but there is the rest of this week and next week… 


Note to self.. make list of to do for myself..  can’t waste this time..



And as of today….. ELK, days of hide and seek wins 5…… Elk Hunters 0…




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