Tuesday, June 06, 2023



About 12 years ago, I was ask for some words of wisdom.. being I was 71 at the time…  So I sat down and rough draft it… and this is what I came up with…  

As I thought about this assignment and wrote out some outlines, it came to surface that much of my wisdom comes from sayings I heard or read in my lifetime.

      To thy self be true. The person in the mirror knows if you are lying or not, if you are being honest in your judgment of doing your best.  I once read in the Reader’s Digest, so many, many years ago that a student asked our President Eisenhower a question, of which the President said to always do your best. And the student followed it up with “how do you know you did your best?”  And the President answered, the person in the mirror looking back will know. 

      Eleanor Roosevelt saying “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission”. I found to be empowering, because it was up to me, not others, to make me feel what I feel. And if I let others control that factor, then shame on me.  And remember most people don’t know who you really are. Even a sibling does not know you that well. And a boss, an acquaintance, and especially a stranger, does not know you. So how can they make the judgments that they do. Why let those who do not know you, make judgments on you. Their assessment is only as important as you let it be. Like a boss or a wife. The rest consider the source and move on. Know there are some people you will never change their minds. So don’t try. It is a waste of time. It is kind of like the pig story. Don’t try to teach a pig a lesson, it will frustrate you and only tick off the pig. 

      Advice is for lawyers, CPA’s and column writers. Not for me.. so when asked, I don’t give advice. I give options, but only for those who ASK.  As my daughter told me when she was a teen, the phase “If I were you” is a worthless phase. Because we are NOT someone else… nor are they us. The closest we can say is if I were in your position this is one of the ways I would handle it. So when some one asks my opinion.. I tell the several ideas in the form of “have you thought of doing this, or handling it this way or that way. Always giving more than one. This also helps because if it doesn’t work out, they can’t come back and tell you.. well you told me. 

Then in my later years I have come up with Cis’s 4 Questions.

1.     Is this my responsibility?

2.     Am I financially responsible for this?

3.  Should I or do I want to help?

4.  Should I or do I want to help out financially? 

Remember 99% of the time the answer is no. Because in order for others to figure it out, find their way of doing things right, they don’t need a crutch. Moral support is ok.. but not for you to handle things for them. Even if this is and especially if it is .. your adult child. Believe from personal experience this is not easy.

Education is like a fine pocket watch. Don’t brag about it, you only use it when you need it.  Kind of like the Abe Lincoln saying… it is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.  So don’t brag about what you know, unless you really know. Then only tell what you know instead of bragging.

Acquaintances are like chapters of a book of life. Some people come and go thru our lives. Each a chapter in themselves. Some never return and other will drop in from chapter to chapter, some years later.  And the ones, who become friends, will always seem like they never left the chapter, blending in like they never left.

Lastly, I recently came across an idea… Thank you notes. I was made aware of a man who started to write thank you notes. Wow, a man who writes thank you notes was amazing to me.  And then I remembered my mother. She had us write thank you notes to anyone who gave us anything. I know I followed thru to my kids to a point. Especially to their grandmother.  But the man is right. I have been a recipient of thank you notes.. and it is a nice feeling that someone appreciated what I said or did. And many times I have thought of telling someone when he or she did something extra for me… or I saw them, do it for someone else. I thought I would like to tell them, how impressed I was with their acts. So I have decided… that I am going to buy a batch of thank you notes and when such a time comes again.. I will do that.


So you see, , there are a lot of good things one has heard or saw in one’s life that teaches us lessons of life.  And I am sure that your parents are looking down and smiling as they see what a fine woman/ man, you have become. See they laid down the foundation of the person you are. And from the looks of things, that foundation is very strong. And the person you have become is where you have worked hard to be that person. The moral being, the fiber, the honesty, are all yours. And if they had lived you would still be that person. The only difference is that they watch you from above instead of down here on this earth of ours.


I am sure I will remember something I should have put in this...  words of wisdom.  Something of great value, (smile) but for the couple of days of notes when an idea comes to mind, this is it…

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