Monday, May 20, 2024

Don't get around much anymore….

Don't get around much anymore….

I never was a gadabout… a real social person.. Don’t know why.  I would go places… and once in a while I would stop by for coffee at friends houses.. but not really often. 

Years ago.. when my oldest was a baby of about 6 months or so..  I had a neighbor who would come over for coffee everyday..  drove me nuts.  What was really wild was I didn’t know she had a baby also of the same age until about 4 months later.  I was outside and hear a baby crying..   And she said .. oops got to go in… the baby is crying.   I stood there with a dumbfounded look on my face.    Next time she came over I asked who was with the baby..  She said no one.. she is sleeping.   I told her next time she came over, bring the baby. And go get her now..   I could not figure that out.  But after her coming over for a month, I started doing my housework … I had stuff to do.

But I am just not one of those who feels at ease doing that. Going to a house for coffee everyday..  My friends see me for coffee probably every 4 to 6 months..  I just am busy at home.

But I do miss going to evens in town.. Like we just had the LOST IN THE 50’S event.. Which means I lost out on going to the parking lot where they all lined up for the parade on Friday night..  Or I would wait on the curb with the town and took pictures. We have been in it a couple of times.  The King more than me..  He has taken friends and his brother and grandson.  I also would go on Saturday where the town would shut down  and the cars would park all over the blocks ..showing off their beautiful cars.. lot of them were not in the parade the night before.. so I would take pictures of those.. Then I would put them on the local Facebook page and also here..   If you go to 4th of July on any given year more than two years ago….. you probably will see cars and what ever in the blog.. And the 3rd weekend of May for the Lost in the 50’s.. but not anymore.. my legs just won’t work well enough for me to walk any distance..  The few times I go.. like Mother’s day with my daughter and granddaughter and GGboys.. I would walk, find a place to sit… for up to 5 minutes and head out..  and find another place to sit after about 10 or 15 mins. later.  and that is the way the whole trip goes.  If I can’t find a seat, I lean against something for a while.. 

I just don't get around much anymore

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