Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Well, here goes another month down….

Well, here goes another month down…

We are almost done with another month.. With June starting, means we a re almost half way thru 2024. Time is flying by.   And so much to do.. so little time.  but most of all, so little energy. I have been working in the yard on good days.

Pulling weeds, placing newspaper down, putting down bark. So far what I have done.. looks great.. but sooooooooo much more in the yard to do. The front yard is really in need.

The weeds are almost a foot tall.  I pulled a lot of them a couple weeks ago, but guess the rain has gave them a boost.  I have ggboy coming over today. He was a great help last week in the memorial garden.

Also have been working on the King’s family cemetery plot.  Our youngest and her guy have worked REALLY  hard on it.. They cleaned it up, the measured out the outline and then put rock/brick like around the outside of the whole thing. Leaving more room, that we were not aware of.  So the King planted a lilac and a bleeding heart.  Also the kids gave me a few plants to put in along with the ones we bought.  It looks fantastic. She did a great job on her dad’s and her guys famiy plot looks so great.. 

Best get out of here and get things ready for ggboys arrival.



she also bought flags for each grave... with pictures of those who left us.   top is the King's family....  the bottom on is her dad's




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