Tuesday, May 14, 2024



Every Tuesday and Thursday is GGBOY DAY… #2 GGBOY THAT IS… Number #1 GGBOY DAY is Wednesday, but he is only about 2 hours.. Where #2 is 6 hours.

Today, GGBOY #1 was amazing..  We have kind of a routine. First, of course, breakfast. Today was Eggo’s and Portuguese sausage. He had not had the sausage before. Was wondering how it would go over.  I sliced a thin piece for him..  He put it in his mouth very hesitantly.. Then the smile and thumbs up.

Then we were off to yard inspection and feeding the squirrels and birds.  He takes this pretty serious.  After that, he wanted to play hide and seek, but I told him I had a job to do first.   So we went out to the Memorial garden to weed it. I told him I needed to put down some newspapers after, and then bark.. I told him to go to the house and bring out some newspapers for me.. Told him where the box was.  To my surprise he was beside me in about 2 minutes.. WITH THE WHOLE BOX!!!  I pulled weeds and threw them into a pile.. then he would take them and put them in the wagon. After I got the area done, I would lay down paper, and he watched, then he started getting the newspaper out and tucking it under the previous paper, like I was.  I then walked over to where the bark bags were stacked.  I lifted a bag up which was heavy as it was soaked from the rain.   I walked over and open it and let the bark fall out over the newspaper. And then I started to push it all over the paper.  He helped with that.  Then we started with a new area in the garden. As I was pulling weeds and then placing paper down.. I see him pulling one of the bags of bark over to the garden..  About 15 feet. He might be only 4 and half, but he is a pretty strong guy.  I had 3 more bags.. so talked the King (as he was walking by, to load them up in the wheel barrow and bring them closer..  GGboy and I pulled weeds, laid more newspapers and open another bag to spread bark. We got the area  finished with the 3 bags..  What a team.   And we had half of the Memorial Garden done..  Ran out of bark.

I told him, we need to clean up stuff. Had all the weeds in the wheelbarrow, so he took it over the garage can and put them in there.. with the bags..  I clean up the area and  told him I thought it was ice cream time.  He agreed and ran in the house to get the ice cream cups… handed one to me.. and we sat on the deck looking at our work.. He said.. “you know.. this is a good day.” 

God, I love that kid

Then we played hide and seek.. We had a problem. Every time one of us hid, Frosty would give us away. Lol..

Yes,  Lil Dude… it IS A GOOD DAY..



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