Monday, June 03, 2024

At the age of 84, I am truly Blessed

At the age of 84, I am truly Blessed

I say this because as you will see from the pictures I will show you that I did this past week… I am blessed mostly good health.

I say mostly, because I do have some problems with my legs. Not sure what it is.. I do know I have ARTHUR in my bottom spine and one hip..  which I consider a nuisance. Yes it hurts but with some aspirin most the time I get around. .but that isn’t the hard part it is the nerves on the sides of my legs that bother me the most.  I can’t walk miles like I use to..  I can’t walk at the fast speed I use to. I might spirit a bit.. but very short range.  But in spite of that.. I am doing pretty well..   Well enough to do things I want. Like yard work. 

In the summer,  yard work is my salvation.  It is where I can get busy with things, and shut out the world.  And so far, I can still do this..  And I love it.. when I get up off of my hands and knees, and admire my work..  Not so much that I do it well, but because I can do it at all..  and that at the age of 84, is my blessing..


I started it but from the picture below, you can see how the weed had taken over...  the whole house length was 3 feet tall weeds. I got them 99% pulled and roses trimmed with taking off the dead areas.. and by the time I got done. I was proud of what was left. 

our snowball tree that we cut down two years ago.. came back in full force
but it was all over the lawn with the recent rain.. so we have it tied up.. in hope it will grow that way.. as you can see it sure came back great with the blooms

the picture above and below shows what it looks like at the end..

not bad for an 84 year old broad.. lol

these below are the lights I got, that look like a pitcher with water coming out .. when it is dark at night..  

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