Monday, June 17, 2024



It was a rainy day on Saturday… We were getting our patio redone, but got rained out… and the guys said they got 2/3 done.. and will come back Monday afternoon if the weather is good.. Which was fine with us.

But as I sat at the computer looking for different things on the internet..  I just wonder… with AI coming on faster than a speeding bullet as they said about Superman..  How will I know if it is me..?  After all they can duplicate just about anything and anyone ..  anymore..   So how do I know if it is me?  After all I can say I don’t think I did that.. or said that.. but at 84.. I start to question myself.   Even the stars aren’t too sure, if the song that is said to be sung by them.. is truly them..  Remember the old commercial.. IS IT LIVE OR IS IT MEMOREX?   So will the new one be IS IT LIVE OR IS IT AI??

Some times they will have you try to prove you are you.. by driver’s Id and etc..   And I have joked as I get it out..  well when I looked in the mirror this morning.. it was still me..   Now that doesn’t work.. they can make , your picture, your signature or what ever else you have to prove you are you..  

So just how am I going to prove it..  Or will it come down to what every one of us has said in the past when mention……… will we be CHIPPED.   I know.. I too said, no way am I going to have some dumb chip put in me.. But will it come to that? And being they are working on trying to figure out how to duplicate fingerprints.. how long before they do the same with the chip?   

Sooooooooooooo glad I am not going to live that long. But scares me as it could very well be where my small great grandchildren will think that is normal life.. being chipped at birth.. 



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