Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A day of many emotions…

A day of many emotions…

On this day, 1960…late at night..  my first child was born. She came in with red hair..  And she was a true blue red head from the get go..  which made the next 57 years  interesting..

She was the joy of her father and myself.   She was later joined by 7 more siblings over the years..

On an evening in May… in 2017….  I lost her to a heart attack on her front lawn.  Leaving behind.. two sons and a daughter of her own..who blessed her with two grandchildren..  Ava the love of her life.. her shadow in all things of life..  And God blessed her just weeks before she left.. with a grandson.   Julie was a family person.. totally..  Not only her own blessing who she love with all of her heart…..  but also  she tried to rule the rest of her siblings with love..  But even more important than her siblings.. she as a mom figure to many.. a mentor.. with her first husband though their church .  A good share of them came to her celebration of life..  and I truly pray she heard each one of them as she sat on the edge of the cloud to watch us all praise and laugh with her.

She got to live a full life..(but not enough for all of us)  She spread so much of God’s flowers around the city parks of Longview.. that won her praises.  There is a bench with her name on it.. in one of the park gardens.  

She and her second husband had many family dinners to celebrate family.. and he show her the world in their travels.. 

I share my heartfelt lost with all those who knew her.  And I am grateful that God got us closer just 2 year before..

She definitely lived up the adage …  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post about her