Tuesday, June 04, 2024

You know it isn’t going to be a good day if…

You know it isn’t going to be a good day if…

If your dog turns on a dime when you open the door to go out for a potty break first thing in the morning.. It was POURING DOWN RAIN..  and it was windy..  so windy the rain was coming down sideways.  Took me 3 hours to convince her to go out… well, actually I picked her up and placed her just out side of the door. It had stop raining for about 20 minutes.  She glared at me and ran down to the grass..   did her business in what was the fastest ever. Usually she has to check out ever corner of the walk way and the lower deck.. before she moseys around the lawn. 

It was raining so hard, with the wind blowing bbad, I thought it might break the window as it was pounding on it.

Definitely a read a book, drink tea and throw a load of wash in the washer day..  And cold.. 55. Had some left over Portuguese soup in the freezer, that tasted pretty good for such a day.

Don’t want to complaint as we really do need the water.. didn’t get enough snow this winter.. And with fire season already starting in California, I am afraid we will be next.   Besides they are taking 4 days of 80+ starting Thursday.   But at least we will have 2 more days of this weather before it turn hot.

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