Monday, June 24, 2024

Still kicking butt.. and getting it done..

Still kicking butt.. and getting it done..

This past weekend.. I got it done..   Saturday was especially good.

I weed whacked the front yard, the side yard and 99% of the back yard.. (just didn’t do up by the garden.. figured that was the King’s job, as the garden is his baby.)

Then I pulled weeds..  Then I looked at the red brick patio we just had redone.. and thought how bad the little areas on each side of the steps were. There is a large box garden about 2 feet by 2 feet. On each side. Those were fine. There is a area about the same size in front of one of the boxes, that flowers were growing...  But along side of each box was a mess.  So I got down on my knees and pulled weeds.. LOTS OF WEEDS.. There is a devilish red plant that has cute yellow flowers. BUT IT IS A WEED.. AND IT COVERS EVERY WHERE.   The good news they pull out really easy..  After I got the weeds out.. I pulled all the rocks pulled out of there on to the red brick tiles.  I found some black fabric that is thin..  it is suppose to keep the weeds out of your garden.. THEY LIED..  Anyway.. I cut a piece to cover it.. and then I took a black garbage and ripped it down, so it was one long unit.. I put another garden fabric down.

Then I raked all of the stones back on to the black area.  It covered about 80% of the area.  I had some pea pebbles rock left over from the patio job.. I spread them on the front area of the section.  It looked great.. Then I put some flower pots there.. and my little Dutch girl..  Found my turtle that is solar.. and put him there too.  

Then I started on the other side. And to be honest with you.. I really thought about doing it another day.  I had gone in and drank some ice water.. and stood there as I drank it at the back door.. and thought WHY NOT..  I can do this.. So back out..  same thing.. Pulled all the weed out. Which were a LOT harder to pull than the other side.  I pulled off the rocks…  did the 3 layer deal, and then raked the rocks back on.. but there wasn’t anywhere near the same amount of them.. so I pleaded with the King to go get me. 2 bags of river rocks.. and 6 bags of pea pebbles rock.. And he did.. Bless his little pea picking heart.   I put the two bags of river rock in the second area..  Then took the pea pebbles and put them in.  While I was at it.. I open the rest and spread them across the side of the red brick patio.. so they matched the hot tub area and the  near the boxes..  Then I  got my Portuguese Lady.. and a small metal wire  wheelbarrow put in a pot.. and it was good to go. Got out a few of my solar kids.. and I was done.. 4 hours later and so TIRED.. SWEATY AND BEAT.   Headed to the showers..  

So at 84.. still kicking butt and getting it done..

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