Thursday, September 15, 2016

I guess I am a Jonah.....

Either that or I have to stop watching talent contests.
It seems like the ones that I think should win.. lose.
Even goes for the political contest.  If I vote for them,
97% chance they will lose.

But the King was even more disgusted than I was last
night when the show America Got Talent finale was on.

I figured the two male singers and the Clairvoyant duo
Would be in the top 3 spots…. The two males were dumped
before the top 3!!!!  WHAT THE HELL?

So that left a magician, a little girl who played a uke, fairly and
The Clairvoyant.   Surely the Clairvoyant, will win.. they were darn good!... but NO..  the little girl who played the uke.. fairly well won..

King was so mad, he swore he will never watch that show ever again.. never ever.. again.. he said… NEVER..    

Well, it has come that time again… we will be on the road again. The grandkids are watching the dog and the house… and we are on the final part of our mission of helping the King’s best friend’s sisters, clean out 40+ years of stuff from their brother’s house.  We are going down for 10 days to help where we can.  So see you in October. 

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