Thursday, September 14, 2017

Always heart breaking...

Yesterday, was another school shooting…  by a student.
This is heart breaking on so many levels..  that a child was pushed so far to want to do that. … for the parents of the children shot.. for the parents of the child who died.trying to talk him out of it,  for the parents of the children who were scared to death as they ran out of the building.. …… and for  the parents of the shooter.   How horrible for all of them..

Years ago, when my children were still in school.. over 30 years now.. I thought they should have a class on compromise. Where kids would learn how to adjust to life..  How to comprise, tolerate, and most of all.. find a avenue to go to for problems they can’t handle.  This class would be done in 4th grade, 8th grade and 11th.  I think it would be instilled in them, for adult life.   In this class they would learn how to talk to others who aren’t of the same mind that they are.. ones with different views… and how to talk to each other without bring violence into play..

To me this would be a ploy of how to deal with bullying.. and maybe for people who normally bully, could find how to talk to people without having to bully people.  People thought I was crazy to suggest it…

I wonder in this day and age.. of protest that turn bad, bullying, shootings….. if there were these classes 30 years ago or more.. would we still have it going on?

So prayers for the town to be able to live thru all this.. to the parents of all the children in Spokane, maybe you learn how to deal with this blow… hope and pray this is the last one.. but some how I don’t think it will be..  

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