Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Equal opportunity of liars...

I have been watching the PBS series of Vietnam.

We think about our government that we have now, and how much they lie to us.  We feel more than ever, that the government is not trust worthy.

But after watching this series so far… I am amazed how little I knew and how many lies we were told. 
I didn’t know that Kennedy was so involved in the Vietnam War.   He was only a small bit because he was killed and Johnson took over where he left off..  
With Kennedy it was advisor that was in Vietnam, but still there were the lies.

Johnson Administration had a lot to do with the war. It was thrown in his lap.  He did not like it but he kept it going any way. He knew he could not win it.. Or rather we couldn’t. But he and the generals persisted with it..  Westmoreland being one of the heavier players.  

And then there was Nixon… Nixon who talked the South Vietnam leaders to hold off with the talks until he was elected… as he would cut them a a better deal.  Johnson found out about it just 2 days before the election.. but chose not to make it public.. because……he didn’t want to give out his source of information..   that is one of those times you want to say… W. T. H… (I cleaned that up a bit, as the other was really my thoughts at the time.)  And Nixon didn’t stop it either for another, what… 7 years?

During this time, I was busy having children..getting a divorce (1968)..being a single mom and then remarrying.. so I had my hands full, and not political incline at the time.  But I do remember about how Westmoreland was lying about the winning and body counts.

And as you can see, it was an equal opportunity of liars.

Johnson, the Democrat…. And Nixon the Republican. 

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