Monday, December 18, 2017

The coming of 2018

Here we are.. over half way thru December, and almost at the end of 2017.. Soon we will all have to remember to put the 8 in 2018. 

2018…. What surprises do we have coming in the new year. As our lives change, with the new tax policy .. that is if they can agree on what to charge us.  We all ready know it isn’t going to be a fair one…  With the top bread winners money being taxed at 10% less..  But there is double the deductible for each person.. And who knows what it is going to mean to the rest of us..  With deductions being omitted reportedly…  and then reportedly being put back in.. some of them..  It is definitely a wait and see.. And I presume, although they have not said.. it all really beginning for us to know .. in 2019 when we have our taxes done, for 2018..  I think.. who knows.

And who knows what is in store for us, on all fronts. After all at the beginning of 2017, we didn’t have the raging fires, the horrible wiping out islands hurricanes of this year before. And of course the storm of late.. the sexual harassment cases that are still coming out daily.  So who knows what will be the headlines for 2018

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