Monday, December 11, 2017

The mores of today, brought to you by yesterday.

The past months have had every media source full of the scandals of sex abuse.. either the actual act or the behavior.  Meaning words, or actions with out touching.    

Some can’t understand where this is all coming from. What gives the common man the desire or thought of doing this.. We already know about corruption of the corporations of America as well as overseas.
Ask any Japanese woman and so many other ones.  We won’t even discuss Mid East where women are like furniture..

But really people..  look at advertising.. it is a huge display of SEX.
How many times have you heard the term SEX SELLS… and that it does.. from cigarettes to cars.   Even hamburgers.. remember the ad with Paris  Hilton, laying down, eating one of the famous brands of hamburger skanny dressed? Others less known have done the same. There is hardly a commercial that doesn’t have some sexy woman and some times men.. walking across your screen or looking out at you, with words dripping with undertones…to sell you the product.

Same thing with magazine, especially the ones with the smelly ads..even hunting magazines have gotten in on the play of it … Never see a common homey hunting woman… she is always in her 20’s and well built with a gun.. I live in Idaho, and I am here to tell you, that gal is a rarity.

So it is hard to say, that society doesn’t promote the sexual image, and media surely does.. And this has gone on for years.. maybe even a 100 years..  So no wonder men, thinks everyone woman is like that.. she is just teasing.. that she doesn’t.   What is the saying? She is just playing hard to get..  She will like it, once we get started…
Yea, right..  

Even the courts look the other way, if the woman is good looking and protesting against a man.. Well, she dress the way she was.. so she was asking for it..  We have all heard the excuses..

And granted.. there are some woman who have dress to kill.. with sex on their mind.. or to torment the males.. and are shocked when they are taken advantage of..  they are the 10%.. but it makes it rough for the other 90%.

After all the movies show how a woman wants it.. The movies show it is ok, to slap a woman around.. the games show it is ok to call her names and slap her around and if she protest, you just shoot her..

And we wonder why all of this latest stuff is coming up?  Look around you. 

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