Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A day of many emotions…

A day of many emotions…

On this day, 1960…late at night..  my first child was born. She came in with red hair..  And she was a true blue red head from the get go..  which made the next 57 years  interesting..

She was the joy of her father and myself.   She was later joined by 7 more siblings over the years..

On an evening in May… in 2017….  I lost her to a heart attack on her front lawn.  Leaving behind.. two sons and a daughter of her own..who blessed her with two grandchildren..  Ava the love of her life.. her shadow in all things of life..  And God blessed her just weeks before she left.. with a grandson.   Julie was a family person.. totally..  Not only her own blessing who she love with all of her heart…..  but also  she tried to rule the rest of her siblings with love..  But even more important than her siblings.. she as a mom figure to many.. a mentor.. with her first husband though their church .  A good share of them came to her celebration of life..  and I truly pray she heard each one of them as she sat on the edge of the cloud to watch us all praise and laugh with her.

She got to live a full life..(but not enough for all of us)  She spread so much of God’s flowers around the city parks of Longview.. that won her praises.  There is a bench with her name on it.. in one of the park gardens.  

She and her second husband had many family dinners to celebrate family.. and he show her the world in their travels.. 

I share my heartfelt lost with all those who knew her.  And I am grateful that God got us closer just 2 year before..

She definitely lived up the adage …  GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.. 


Monday, June 24, 2024

Still kicking butt.. and getting it done..

Still kicking butt.. and getting it done..

This past weekend.. I got it done..   Saturday was especially good.

I weed whacked the front yard, the side yard and 99% of the back yard.. (just didn’t do up by the garden.. figured that was the King’s job, as the garden is his baby.)

Then I pulled weeds..  Then I looked at the red brick patio we just had redone.. and thought how bad the little areas on each side of the steps were. There is a large box garden about 2 feet by 2 feet. On each side. Those were fine. There is a area about the same size in front of one of the boxes, that flowers were growing...  But along side of each box was a mess.  So I got down on my knees and pulled weeds.. LOTS OF WEEDS.. There is a devilish red plant that has cute yellow flowers. BUT IT IS A WEED.. AND IT COVERS EVERY WHERE.   The good news they pull out really easy..  After I got the weeds out.. I pulled all the rocks pulled out of there on to the red brick tiles.  I found some black fabric that is thin..  it is suppose to keep the weeds out of your garden.. THEY LIED..  Anyway.. I cut a piece to cover it.. and then I took a black garbage and ripped it down, so it was one long unit.. I put another garden fabric down.

Then I raked all of the stones back on to the black area.  It covered about 80% of the area.  I had some pea pebbles rock left over from the patio job.. I spread them on the front area of the section.  It looked great.. Then I put some flower pots there.. and my little Dutch girl..  Found my turtle that is solar.. and put him there too.  

Then I started on the other side. And to be honest with you.. I really thought about doing it another day.  I had gone in and drank some ice water.. and stood there as I drank it at the back door.. and thought WHY NOT..  I can do this.. So back out..  same thing.. Pulled all the weed out. Which were a LOT harder to pull than the other side.  I pulled off the rocks…  did the 3 layer deal, and then raked the rocks back on.. but there wasn’t anywhere near the same amount of them.. so I pleaded with the King to go get me. 2 bags of river rocks.. and 6 bags of pea pebbles rock.. And he did.. Bless his little pea picking heart.   I put the two bags of river rock in the second area..  Then took the pea pebbles and put them in.  While I was at it.. I open the rest and spread them across the side of the red brick patio.. so they matched the hot tub area and the  near the boxes..  Then I  got my Portuguese Lady.. and a small metal wire  wheelbarrow put in a pot.. and it was good to go. Got out a few of my solar kids.. and I was done.. 4 hours later and so TIRED.. SWEATY AND BEAT.   Headed to the showers..  

So at 84.. still kicking butt and getting it done..

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dang I was so busy, I forgot to be on the internet..

Dang I was so busy, I forgot to be on the internet..

Tuesday was a busy day..  it was over before I even knew I got started and that was with a raining day..  I got out a box I had not looked in for a while..  So many pictures of our house in the beginning..  and found a wonderful VHS tape of my grandson when he was 2 and almost 3..  And lots more pictures.

Then Wednesday we hired our nephews to come and tear up our red brick patio. It was gapping from years of use. Also we put it in when the Ken was having trouble with his knee. So I was giving the tile and he placed them..  after we had spread the dirty.. Weeds have grown up for years between. I would pull them.. pour vinegar down the cracks..  So we decided this year was the year to tear it up and re do it..  They tore up the brick tiles..  they as in the boys and the King redid the dirty.. spread fabric down, put gravel on top..  and then came the next hard part.. to placing the tiles back down.  Well they got rained out on Saturday… after only one line of tiles.  So yesterday.. it was time to finish it.. AND IT WAS HOT.. high 70’s..  But 7 hours later they (the boys.. heck they are men..) had it done. With more patience than I had. They put in the sand.. and swept it.. and then went back at least 8 or 9 maybe 10 times with more sand in spots, and pressing..  tapping.. and it was done and it looks great!!.   Now it blends/slopes in and there is no drop offs to it.

 see how they blending the walkway with the patio.. it was a 3 inch drop before...

see how it blends with the stairs as well...   

they put in pea rock near the door, as the spot was too small for a tile 

this is the before look   

And that is my excuse and I am standing by it.. lol..

Next project..  writing on the back of photos and placing them in albums. 



Monday, June 17, 2024



It was a rainy day on Saturday… We were getting our patio redone, but got rained out… and the guys said they got 2/3 done.. and will come back Monday afternoon if the weather is good.. Which was fine with us.

But as I sat at the computer looking for different things on the internet..  I just wonder… with AI coming on faster than a speeding bullet as they said about Superman..  How will I know if it is me..?  After all they can duplicate just about anything and anyone ..  anymore..   So how do I know if it is me?  After all I can say I don’t think I did that.. or said that.. but at 84.. I start to question myself.   Even the stars aren’t too sure, if the song that is said to be sung by them.. is truly them..  Remember the old commercial.. IS IT LIVE OR IS IT MEMOREX?   So will the new one be IS IT LIVE OR IS IT AI??

Some times they will have you try to prove you are you.. by driver’s Id and etc..   And I have joked as I get it out..  well when I looked in the mirror this morning.. it was still me..   Now that doesn’t work.. they can make , your picture, your signature or what ever else you have to prove you are you..  

So just how am I going to prove it..  Or will it come down to what every one of us has said in the past when mention……… will we be CHIPPED.   I know.. I too said, no way am I going to have some dumb chip put in me.. But will it come to that? And being they are working on trying to figure out how to duplicate fingerprints.. how long before they do the same with the chip?   

Sooooooooooooo glad I am not going to live that long. But scares me as it could very well be where my small great grandchildren will think that is normal life.. being chipped at birth.. 



Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Gardens…are you old enough to remember?

Gardens…are you old enough to remember?

Do you remember Victory Gardens?  Not the show, which was in Boston on television for a very long time.. maybe still is..

But the original 1940’s Victory Gardens that the President asked of the citizens.  It was during World War II.  While I was a little kid during that time.. 1 to 5 years old, during it. I remember doing the weeding..  We had a good size lot that Mom and Dad..  made into our Victory Garden..   She grew all kinds of vegetables.  It did well, but because we had horses..   equaling horse manure.  It was used as a horse pasture for a year before the war started.

Everyone was doing it..  even the Vanderbilt’s who had two farms in that area.  I can remember the big metal gate on their field with a large V-V for Vanderbilt Victory Garden.

Mom did very well with our garden..  especially when she had her own private weeder… ME.. My brother wasn’t born until just before the war ended.   She still had it for many years.. and added a flower garden that she sold flowers from.  There was a produce stand down at the end of the street, that she sold them to him.. Maybe some vegetables as well.   I remember the bachelor button flowers.. They were a stiff flower.  And by that time she gain another weeder.  My brother… when wasn’t fooling around and throwing weeds at me.

Now days, there are a lot of people.. my youngest for one.. and a son also and his wife..  are doing bigger gardens this year.  They want to get away from the chemicals that are in so many of the produce that is sold at the store.

I will have to remember to tell her to save the seeds with so many companies going to seedless produce.  Which is brought on by one of the big companies. Modesto, I think .. maybe not.. But you will see that some stores advertise.. that  they are selling the seed that will produce seeds for furthering planting in the next years.  

Gardening isn’t for the light of heart.. as there is a LOT of work. Not just the tilling and planting..  and as I said above.. weeding..  but watching the news..  Hoping the weather holds in the fall, so the tomatoes will ripen in time..  And if you are lucky enough to get corn to go to full term.  Running out and covering plants when there is an unexpected frost coming in.   And if you get serious enough.. you build a green house..  so the next year you can put starter plants in.. to lengthen your growing time. 

So all those out there..  Hang in there. It is worth in the long run..

Even finding someone to water for you while you go on vacation… unless you can figure out an automatic watering system.

Oh, then there is canning.. or freezing your produce.. fun times.  But come December and January.. you will be seen  watching the snow.. and eating your bounty with a smile on your face..  hopefully.

Monday, June 10, 2024

This past weekend.. busy busy

This past weekend.. busy busy

The King and I worked on Thursday and then Saturday.. doing yard work..  With the weather turning to the 80’s.. we wanted to get as much done as we could possible get done.

So it was put the rose bush that he got me for our anniversary in the ground.. It has blooms, so that is great.. With cross fingers we hope it continues..  We put it in the front as the roses seem to like the weather there.. lots of sunshine.

On Saturday, we … actually I… cut the dead bush in the side garden. He pulled while I took my trusty little chain saw I got last year.. (love that thing).   I took it down to 12 inches.. in hopes that we can dig around it.. and take it out.  After sitting there for over 20 years.. I am sure the roots are long and wide..  Don’t know if I will replace it yet.. And if I do.. what will I put in..   I would love to put in a butterfly bush.. but they don’t seem to do well there.  Have put in 4 over the years.  One on the side garden… on in the back yard against the house.. and one in the memorial garden.. which this year died, as did the others.  Only one that did well..  was in front of our big living room window.  Did such a great job we could not see out the window..  So removed it and it died.  So maybe I better find a more sturdy bush.

This year hasn’t been good for our long time bushes.. Lost my 24 year old  President clematis… which had the huge blooms..  That was a rough one to lose..  But my go to gal, Nancy who owns All Season, has located one and it is on its way here..  YAHOO..

I put a smaller one where the old one was.. but I think there will be enough room for both.. as one of the other older ones is not looking really great.. has leaves up on top, but the middle is bare.

I have no idea why these older ones are hitting the dust… as we have not had a bad winter, we haven’t had a bad spring. 

So here’s to good growth as we replace…

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

You know it isn’t going to be a good day if…

You know it isn’t going to be a good day if…

If your dog turns on a dime when you open the door to go out for a potty break first thing in the morning.. It was POURING DOWN RAIN..  and it was windy..  so windy the rain was coming down sideways.  Took me 3 hours to convince her to go out… well, actually I picked her up and placed her just out side of the door. It had stop raining for about 20 minutes.  She glared at me and ran down to the grass..   did her business in what was the fastest ever. Usually she has to check out ever corner of the walk way and the lower deck.. before she moseys around the lawn. 

It was raining so hard, with the wind blowing bbad, I thought it might break the window as it was pounding on it.

Definitely a read a book, drink tea and throw a load of wash in the washer day..  And cold.. 55. Had some left over Portuguese soup in the freezer, that tasted pretty good for such a day.

Don’t want to complaint as we really do need the water.. didn’t get enough snow this winter.. And with fire season already starting in California, I am afraid we will be next.   Besides they are taking 4 days of 80+ starting Thursday.   But at least we will have 2 more days of this weather before it turn hot.

Monday, June 03, 2024

At the age of 84, I am truly Blessed

At the age of 84, I am truly Blessed

I say this because as you will see from the pictures I will show you that I did this past week… I am blessed mostly good health.

I say mostly, because I do have some problems with my legs. Not sure what it is.. I do know I have ARTHUR in my bottom spine and one hip..  which I consider a nuisance. Yes it hurts but with some aspirin most the time I get around. .but that isn’t the hard part it is the nerves on the sides of my legs that bother me the most.  I can’t walk miles like I use to..  I can’t walk at the fast speed I use to. I might spirit a bit.. but very short range.  But in spite of that.. I am doing pretty well..   Well enough to do things I want. Like yard work. 

In the summer,  yard work is my salvation.  It is where I can get busy with things, and shut out the world.  And so far, I can still do this..  And I love it.. when I get up off of my hands and knees, and admire my work..  Not so much that I do it well, but because I can do it at all..  and that at the age of 84, is my blessing..


I started it but from the picture below, you can see how the weed had taken over...  the whole house length was 3 feet tall weeds. I got them 99% pulled and roses trimmed with taking off the dead areas.. and by the time I got done. I was proud of what was left. 

our snowball tree that we cut down two years ago.. came back in full force
but it was all over the lawn with the recent rain.. so we have it tied up.. in hope it will grow that way.. as you can see it sure came back great with the blooms

the picture above and below shows what it looks like at the end..

not bad for an 84 year old broad.. lol

these below are the lights I got, that look like a pitcher with water coming out .. when it is dark at night..