Then a small tear comes to his eye, and
rolls slowly down his cheek...but then he
stops and smiles...
He kneels down on one knee and puts his
hand thru the clouds. And then slowly
brings it back up towards him, with a
gentle small hand in his. As he starts
to stand, up comes a woman, standing
so tall, all of 5 foot 2. She has a sweet
smile on her face...and says "hello, Darling"
as she kisses his cheek.
Today, our Earth Angel has left us, left us
feeling so empty. We are happy for her, but
we weep.... so hard we weep, for we are left
behind with this huge empty space.
She has become our Heavenly Angel, who
will look down on us from time to time, to see
if we are behaving. And are we carrying on her
unconditional love.
You see, she was my Aunt, on my father's
side. And as I have posted before, she
let me be adopted into her family. No legal
paper you understand... but the love was there.
She and my uncle called me Oldest Daughter,
as I was older than all of their children.
She has two wonderful daughters, who didn't mind
sharing. And three sons, who tolerate me too. And
when the King and I got married, they adopted him
too. I could go on about her family. 5 children, and
7 grandchildren... and I lost count on great grandchildren.
I could fill a weeks of post about the fun times,
the memories, the laughs, and the hugs thru
rough times. The hugs, the hugs, the hugs,
and the phone calls for many hours to all of
us...There isn't enough time or space to tell all.
So I will leave you with an image that has been
in my mind from the past... one that will be there
to the day I die. I have posted about it before.
My uncle and I were doing our daily morning
routine,coffee, kitchen table, and newspapers.
When we saw a vision. I had looked at his face
first. I saw the deepest of love in his eyes, words
just doesn't do it justice...and then a smile...
As I turn to look to see what gave him such
joy, I saw my Mom/aunt .... fresh out of the shower..
in her bra and panties....arms stretched out as far
as they could go, palms turn upward, and as she
hummed a song, she danced..... and danced...
swaying to the music in her head... smiling...
Good night my darling sweet Earth Angel,
may you dance with your Darling in heaven.....
Harriet & Everett
together again