Being the King was getting a little
stir crazy, sitting home again... I
decided to treat him to a ride.
So I started out of town, and down
Highway 200. It would be a good ride
for him as he will get to look around
more. He looks around as he drives
and this is one of our bones we chew
when we go some where.
But today was to be his treat. He could
look at the farmer's fields for equipment
without the wrath of my voice. Which he
did. He got to see the growth of Hwy 200.
It is amazing how many homes are still
going in. We stopped in at Laclede to
see across the river. There was a house
that a friend of his use to own by the
Thama Ferry area. We could see the
old house but not the newer of the
two. The trees that have grown since
1988 was amazing. The change of
the old house was amazing too.
Complete overhaul.
We got to see many Osprey on our
way down the highway. Our next stop
was on the other side of Priest River at a
gas station. And we found gas $2.73.
I told the young lady there...thank you..
That we were paying 10 cents more up
our way. And we let the puppy out so
she could exercise her legs.
The whole town of Priest River was
pretty much the same. A few new
houses and businesses. We came
back and drove thru the town, and then
headed over the bridge. To our surprise
the gas station and restaurant that sat
on the river was totally removed.
Nothing but weeds. Which was
sad especially for me. As there
had a nice little room that sat above
the river. I use to go down there to
have coffee, when the kids were
driving me nuts. Sit there in the
quiet of the night and drink coffee
and think of how I could go back to
being super mom and get rid of
bitch mom. Also they had the best
pizza's there. Gone... flat... weeds.
As we went across the bridge and
saw the old Merritt's mill which now
takes up the head of the bridge, so
you have to go left or right. We went to
the left to head to Vay. Where we both
lived before we got together.
We didn't see as many houses as we
thought. But there were new ones. They
were huge. 3 stories, almost as wide as
a block.
We went by my old place, and drove down
the drive way we had, which is now a road.
And there is a gate across the unused drive
way we called home. The trees had grown so
much, I couldn't tell if the garage we built was still
standing or not. There was a great deal of
houses in the field, that was empty when I
lived there.
As we went up and down several of the old
roads, there wasn't much going on. A house
or two, not many. We went by the old Vay
Store, turning down the road that the King
use to live..still pretty much the same..
so we headed down to the Dufort road again.
That is where we noticed the growth. All
along Dufort road, there were new homes.
In what was once farmers fields...Huge
homes. Why do people have homes so
big? These homes, my present home
would fit in a wing of theirs. One after
the other. 3 stores high a lot of them.
Mansions in our eyes... And we wondered
why our county is crying poor, and the
roads are still bad. These homes must
start at $400,000 and many of them
more than that. So more taxes or the
It was a nice ride, and we were amazed
and sadden by it. Fun times, and places,
are long gone, and only in our memories.
The Sunny Side of Life
7 hours ago
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