Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Hope We Are Strong Enough

In general, I think the Mosque in New York is ok. I don’t really have a
problem with it. After all I am from the state that was started just for
the freedom of religion. It has the oldest synagogue in the USA.

Also at first I thought it was across the street from the twin towers,
when in actuality it is 2 blocks away.

I also knew that there were a lot of Muslim people killed on 9/11 in the twin
Towers as well as some of the rescuers. And here is a site that you can
go to and read about that… there were over 60 of them. (thank you Thom)

Those who say, would you put a Nazi sign next to the Holocaust Memorial,
the comparison doesn’t match. I have a no problem with a German store being next to it. But Nazi no. It was Jihad and terrorist that took down the towers,
who were Muslim. Just as it was Nazi’s who killed the Jewish, who happen to
be German. So blame the radicals not the religion or the nationality of the terrorist.

What I don’t like is the hatred that is rolling with this. I understand the hurt of the
families of those who died there. I understand that. But there are Muslim families
who also lost their family members. And then after that, was harassed by
people and even the government. One of the stories you will read at the site above, is how one young man’s family was harassed as the government tried
to see if he was one of the terrorist. It wasn’t until later when they found the
his body next to another with a medical kit, that the family found out he was a hero like they thought. He was a med student and a EMT. Hopefully the government officials apologized to his family.

All of this reminds me of Franklin D. Roosevelt saying…” we have nothing to fear,
but fear itself. And it is hard not to fear when you read about how the men who actually did do this, planned this mess in a Mosque. So do we have enough faith
to believe that this Mosque will not be used for that? I hope so. Not only for the people but for the country as the Freedom of religion is tested. We have had this
Constitution for over 200 years. We have added to it. Hopefully we are still strong enough to not to take anything away from it.

For another great post on this subject, check out my nephew’s blog.
if clicking doesn't work, go to the left side and look for
TG's Raves and Rants


Margie's Musings said...

I agree with you. We have nothing to fear from Muslims. One of my friends that brought soup for the family while Bob was sick that week, is Muslim.

Anonymous said...

I only hope that we are indeed strong enough to overcome this intolerant funk our nation is suffering. It does not help that a group of people calling themselves a "Moral majority" are spreading fear and panic about Muslims, using hyperbole and ad hominem attacks against the idea of building the Islamic community center.

This is a great post, Aunt Cis. If people would just embrace ideas like this, the U.S. would be a lot more tolerable.