Thursday, May 24, 2012

Swimming Lessons

For the past couple weeks, the King has been teaching a young man
how to swim. This is our great grandson, Jesse.
It started out kind of tedious. It took a lot of trusting on Jesse's
part and a lot of patience for the King. "Water too cold, no I will
drown, and I can't do that." Finally, the King convinced him, he could.
Of course, showing him a 3 year old girl who was learning, helped the
King's argument. :-)
Now Jess, can float, swim 5 feet at a time, and he can be thrown
up in the air and swim underwater to the edge. This picture says it all.
He can dive under the water and pick up balls off the floor of the pool.
The King is really proud of Jess. Also it takes him back about 14 years
to another young man he taught how to swim. At the same age. Now
that young man, our grandson, is a young adult and swims in Hawaii.
He swims with the fishes... he snokles for his dinner, spearing fish.
Great memories.:-)

1 comment:

Kay Dennison said...

Hurray for Jesse!!!!! Swimming was one of those things I insisted on with the Dynamic Duo. Neither liked it much at first but they both started swimming on the Y swim team and became lifeguards and had swimming scholarships for college. My son coaches swimming at a college in Kentucky. Their swimming lessons were some of the best money I ever spent.