Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Foundation builder…

The Foundation builder

Each year I usually run the I AM THE MEANEST MOTHER  story… so I figure I would change it this year… but this year I thought I would switch it around a bit…

I have talked about how some people especially some bosses of my children.. have told me how much they appreciate my child.. what a great worker, and that I did a good job of raising that child…  Which my standard answer it…   to them….   What you see, is that they have done.  The hard work, the well done job, is all done by them.. Their hard work to be the best they can be …  the best solid person……  I only laid down the foundation….   Which they have said, that I did a great job laying down that foundation for them to build on.

And they have… each one.. even two of them who we don’t see eye to eye…

My youngest, is a hard worker.. and for the most part LOVES her job. She started out in a office, as one of 3 people… she went on to be in scheduling.. which is the person who know where those parts are at all times…from the start of production to the day it leave the door in shipping.  Now she has taken on another part of the bookkeeping job in the company.  Her top boss/owner,  knows that if he wants any information.. he can count on her… as she has been there 22 years. She knows that business pretty much in an out…  She even has gone on the floor to help out if they are behind.   And she is strong enough to stand up to any one, when she knows she has the facts…   She also is a great mom… and the best ever grandmother.. you can ask all of her grandkids.. She also is a great wife… and recently lost her husband.. she has been so strong..

The next one up, is #4 son, who  has been civil service for 20 + years …also in the National Air Guard. He has traveled all over with them.. they have sent him to so many schools.. He even went back to school and took some pretty tough classes..  And pass them all…  He recently retired from the Air National Guard.. (guess that is the correct saying)… He called me and told me they were going to have a few minute retirement presentation for he and a few others..  figure he would tell me, just in case I said.. well if I knew that I would have come.. BUT after hearing it was going to be  just a little presentation.. with others..  I decided not to travel the 8 hours…   Well, surprise surprise.. they had a heck of a presentation for him.   Praises after praises… telling about how he knows more about the system than any other person in the units in the district… Luckily he had siblings and his daughter along with his wife.. was there…  When we talked later.. I said I thought it was going to be a little short thing.. lol…  He replied.. Mom, no one was more surprised than me.. on how it turn out…  He is a great dad to his four kids.. and a fun grandfather to his three grandkids..  and his wife thinks he is the best of best…she is a RN  and they love to travel…. Oh, yeah, he now has a civilian job… that he totally loves. Same kind of work. And they think a lot of him.  His side line is… working on cars in his garage that he built years ago… always changing or working on someone else’s… it is his working hobby.  I AM SO PROUD OF HIM…  

Next is his twin…son #3   Who has worked for the city of Longview for over 15 years…He is their head mechanic… works on their trucks, lawn machines and police cars…  He also is a FANTASTIC DAD… and a very good husband, according to his wife.. they have been married the longest of all my kids..  27 years this August…  He is a marvelous  dad… of his 4 children..  His family does everything together..His wife home schools…  they are a great team… He also is deacon or elder at his church and has been for over 10 years.  So he does sermons from time to time.. And last year.. He sent me his transcript for his Mother’s Day sermon… brought me to tears…some from pride, some from laughter.. because some of it.. I read in disbelief.. and said..WOW.. HE REALLY DID LISTEN THOSE YEARS AGO…lol…  I AM SO PROUD OF HIM….  

Next up is #2 son… who works magic on automobiles of all ages..  When he lived in Wisconsin… he stripped down to the bare axle and wheel and rebuilt a 1945 fire engine. The whole ball of wax.. it was like new.. the bright red.. the silver of the bell, the hoses, and the lettering… he did it in time so the owner could drive it in the 4 of July parade.. he got it in March… I even got to go for a ride in it.. when I visited him.  The owner was so proud of it.. and the praise flowed about my son.. and that is one of the times I remarked about being a foundation builder..  And he said well, you did a great job..  That he is a master.. very devoted to his art.. And art it is.. be it a 1945 fire engine.. and 1930 hot rod, or a 1927 Dodge, and etc .. etc…  To show you what a master artist he is..  He moved to Kelso, Washington… and people from Wisconsin shipped cars to him .. so that he would work on them..  He is a great husband.. his wife is back at school to learn how to be a Registered Nurse..  and they take off for the beach when they both need a break, taking their 3 fur babies with them….  I AM SO PROUD OF HIM…

Nest is #1 son… Who has worked in the woods for about 30 years.  Loves the outdoors.. where he feels most alive.   According to his workers and fellow worker is one of the best loggers..  I watch a dvd one time, that his sister had recorded him talking about his job.. Talking about how hard it was..and hard on the body.. but how much he loved it… His side line… lol… when not in the woods.. is in or around a car.. always remodeling, building up another car…He is a great Dad, loved my his kids and grandkids.. loves to torment them… and a great husband.. they hold hands… she keeps him in line. They too are a team... lol…

See these 4 boys try to race against each other once a year on a race track… trying to hit between Father’s Day or the oldest daughters birthday.  Believe me,  when I tell you these boys are competitive.. especially son # 1, 2, and 4… #3 loves it.. but not quite as competitive as the other 3.

Last but not least is #1 daughter.. the oldest..  one they try to race on her birthday. Because she loves her brothers, and they do it as a memorial to her…  See we lost her 2 years ago this month.. massive heart attack walking across her lawn.   NONE OF US.. got to say GOOD BYE… shocking, as there was no warning.  At the mere age of 57.  But she packed a lot into those years..  She worked for the city … in the parks department, she kept the flower beds going, the rose section live and beautiful.(they placed a bench in her honor there) . and the lawns all over the city like velvet.   She loved her 3 children.. with all her heart..  Her side kick was her granddaughter… who was her shadow, be it baking things in the kitchen or doing yard work in the yard.. and best of all..watching movies over and over.. THEIR favorite.. and before she left us… she got to hold her long waited for, grandson, who was born 2 weeks before.  She also was so instrumental in so many teens lives.. She and her first husband work at the summer camps for their church for so many years… changing so many young people’s lives.. even some of the difficult ones.. At her celebration of life, was so many of them who came forward and told of her and how she made them feel.. how encouraging she was, even as they became adults.. Saying I would not be the person I am today.. married, children.. good job… if it wasn’t for her… Quite a tribute… She also was a great shoulder for girlfriends and cousins and others.  And also a great wife… who loved her second husband with all her heart…..

So you see I was a pretty good foundation, I guess.. but this is for them.. ALL OF THEM.. even the ones who don’t see eye to me.. they all are good workers.. have great friends..     And as you can see by the 6 here.. they built great lives.. are well liked and respected…Their word is their honor… They all worked hard to get where they are…

So for this MOTHER’S DAY… I SALUTE THEM…  and hope you all know… that
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU…  and proud you call me MOM


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